Saturday, April 28, 2012

Like A Bucket Of Mop Water To A Toddler

It is with heavy heart that I report the demise of one of Hillmomba's baby chicks.

Thank the Gummi Mary, the Mansion hounds had nothing to do with it. Farmer H found it this afternoon when he returned home from work. It had fallen into the water pan and drowned. It was not one of the most recent batch of 12 chicks, but one of the hardier, older group of 4 chicklets. This one was a turken. One of the ugliest chickens ever to cheep cheep. Kind of like a scrawny buzzard baby. We have other turkens. This was a dark one. The first little white turken we've hatched is still kickin'.

Farmer H dumped all of his water pans, keeping only the original waterer thingy that you fill and turn upside down and water seeps out into a shallow ring at the bottom. An identical chick death occurred last fall. Farmer H was again the first one on the scene. He told The Pony that something must have eaten that chick, when in reality he fished it out of the water and tossed it on his cardboard fire. You'd think he would have learned his lesson then. But remember, we're talking about Farmer H.

I am relieved that The Pony was not the first responder. He is quite a little chicken lover.


Sioux Roslawski said...

Pardon my ignorance, but what is a turken? Half chicken and half turkey? A turkey that is asking for asylum before Thanksgiving hits? A chicken that is jealous of all the "glory" the turkeys get at Thanksgiving? Please explain.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I'm shocked that Frank Costanza did not explain this to you. You know, after finding out who's having sex with the hen.

A turken is a breed of chicken that LOOKS like a turkey. A nekkid-necked chicken. They are as ugly as homemade sin, as the saying goes here in Hillmomba.

I have included two links for your viewing pleasure. Neither are our own personal turkens.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

Thank you for clearing that up, i am not familiar with turkens either. My mother raised chickens and turkeys, no turkens, though. I will now go to the website to view this creature.

Hillbilly Mom said...

They pretty much look like chickens that have something wrong with them. Like they have the mange.