Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A Rainbow, By Any Other Mnemonic, Would Not Shine So Sweet

The Pony and I saw an amazing rainbow fragment on our way home from school today. As we passed the bowling alley, it appeared between a church and the prison, a wide ribbon of a rainbow, ending in the apparent location of the Mansion.

"Wow, look at that!"

"That's a good one. And it goes to our house! Maybe we'll find a pot of gold."

"Yeah. That's gonna happen."

"Well, we can hope."

"That's true. Roy G. Biv."


"Don't you remember? Roy G. Biv. The rainbow."

"Oh, yeah. It has something to do with the colors."

"Uh huh. Don't you know them?"


"Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. The colors of the spectrum."

"Oh! I thought you said, 'BOY G. Biv.' That's why I couldn't get it."

It seems that ONE of us needs to work on diction.

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