Sunday, November 20, 2022

Mrs. HM Might Be Losing Her Mind. Or At Least The Memory Part Of It.

Well. It seems that leaving a crucial ingredient out of Farmer H's hot toddy was not an isolated incident, as far as Mrs. HM's cognitive skills are concerned. Or else Even Steven is exacting revenge on Mrs. HM, at the behest of Farmer H. Who doesn't even KNOW about his Hot Toddy Light. So that's unlikely.

Friday was quite chilly. The temperature was 31 degrees when I left for town. Bright sunshine, but still 31 degrees, and a brisk wind around 10 mph. I had on a long-sleeve shirt and my seafoam green sweatshirt-like baseball-style jacket. Normally, that keeps me warm enough unless I'm outside for a while in the wind. The layer of warm air between my shirtsleeves and the jacket sleeves is toasty.

Still, I felt a chill while driving in T-Hoe. You never know. Sometimes the heater/AC system works better than other times. I haven't figured that out. I know there's some kind of electrical problem that Farmer H seems resigned to leaving unfixed. We paid his buddy Mick the Mechanic over $100 a couple years ago, to fix the seat heater. And all that we gained was a broken side-mirror controller. So technically, we paid to have nothing fixed, and left with another problem! Farmer H said sometimes those things happen when you take the cover off the door and monkey with things. He does not seem to be much of an advocate for my preferred vehicle. Yet he has not been back to Mick since that flapdoodle over getting SilverRedO fixed a while back...

Anyhoo... I drove to town. Stopped at Orb K, where the clerk gave me the wrong scratchers, two $2 tickets instead of the two $3 tickets I asked for, which I took anyway, so as not to slow down the line. I'll give them to The Pony. On I went to the Gas Station Chicken Store, where they were out of one of my $3 tickets. Further to the Casey's, which at least gave me what I asked for. And then to Country Mart to cash in my $6 winner for two $3 tickets.

Sweet Gummi Mary! I was FREEZING! Even inside T-Hoe. Even in the sun. And then it dawned on me:


Once I pumped up the fan a couple speeds, nice warm air flowed out the vents onto my hands gripping the steering wheel, and onto my feet. MUCH BETTER!

I can't believe I forgot! Every day when I pull into the garage, I turn off the blower. The heat itself is still set on 75, but won't blow until I turn on the fan. I keep it off, because I don't want to start up T-Hoe in the cold garage, and have that frigid air blasting at me. Once I get past the mailboxes, it's usually warm enough to turn on the fan.

Sometimes I'm my own worst enemy. But usually, I'm Farmer H's worst enemy.


River said...

I can't believe you forgot to turn on the heater! I'm surprised you didn't freeze solid.
We are supposed to have 14C here today (57F) and it is sunny outside, but the wind seems to be coming straight from the south pole, it's so COLD! my house is also cold so I have the heating turned on to get the air warm enough that I don't cough all day with asthma. It's almost enough to make me wish for some summer heat and we know how much I hate that.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I KNOW! Riding is T-Hoe is the second-warmest I get all day, after the hot shower. And I sabotaged myself!

Maybe you need a sock cap to hold in your heat! I got mine, and it worked wonders! When we turn on the furnace, I cough more. I guess it's dust in the ductwork getting stirred up. Or the dry air that comes from electric heat.