Friday, November 4, 2022

Transitory Excitement In Hillmomba

Thursday was fairly uneventful for the weekly errand day. Until I was within three miles of the Mansion. I had passed the prison, and the road where the car was in flames a few weeks back, and was coming up on the approach to the long tall bridge. A gravel road shoots off to the right, and it was here that I saw some excitement.

A county sheriff's white-and-tan SUV was parked on that road, just far enough to be off the blacktop. In front of it was a faded, copper-colored Dodge Caravan minivan. A woman sat in the passenger seat with the window partly down. It was 77 degrees, a bit warm for November.

A county sheriff's deputy was directing a man toward the hood of the SUV. The man looked dirt poor. He was wearing an old t-shirt of the color Farmer H used to buy for work: dust brown. Dirt Poor Man had the sleeveless version of the t-shirt. He was pudgy, as were his arms, which were handcuffed behind him. He just looked tired and downtrodden.

I have no idea why such a stop might occur. The law does not chase gas drive-offs these days. Won't even go arrest them with pictures and license plate numbers. I doubt a driver running a red light would be chased two miles out of town. So that leaves, perhaps, reckless driving? Maybe related to alcohol? I didn't see any broken glass or signs of a collision. 

I'll watch the online newspaper for a headline.


River said...

Perhaps they chased him from a crime scene, or he has been on their "lookout" list for something else somewhere else and they finally caught him.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yes, he might have had a warrant, or he might have left the scene of an accident. He didn't look like he would make a very good "criminal" such as a bank robber or armed thug. Too soft, and too identifiable.