Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Persona Non Scratcha

I am usually in no hurry when I have to wait in line at a store. But Monday, I WAS in a hurry, because I needed to meet Farmer H with The Pony's car key so he could change a flat tire before The Pony was off work. Of course THAT would be the day when I wanted to pull my hair out while waiting in line!

I had a half hour before I needed to be at Pony House. I had ten minutes of that left when I stepped into the Sis-Town Casey's for scratchers. It's only a couple minutes from Pony House. Plenty of time. Except for the ONLY customer ahead of me.

She was a 40-something gal with a handful of scratchers. Don't get me wrong. I don't begrudge anybody cashing in scratchers. IF they know what they're doing!!!

Scratchy had neglected to scratch off the bar codes at the bottom of her tickets! AND she had six tickets! They were the $3 version. That poor clerk had to get a coin and scratch off that part before he could scan them. He's a string-bean of a kid, with corkscrewy hair. Always very calm and pleasant. This was no exception. She DID apologize, and he told her it was okay. 

THEN Scratchy pulled ANOTHER ticket out of her purse. She scratched off the bottom herself, right there on the counter. THEN when he had the total, she started questioning him. He remained calm and courteous. I don't blame her for wanting answers on the amounts. Turns out she had forgotten to put one of her winners in her purse. Her total winnings were $75. I think she thought it should be $100.

Of all the days...

I was five minutes late in meeting Farmer H. No big deal. His Old Man Buddy was just walking from SilverRedO to his car. Farmer H was standing between the front passenger door and the back passenger door of SilverRedO. Peeing in Pony House yard.


River said...

Peeing in the yard?? Pony House is in town, right? With neighbours who might just happen to be looking out the window wondering who is parked there?

Hillbilly Mom said...

I don't know why you seem surprised! Sweet Gummi Mary! You didn't think Farmer H would walk into Pony House, where three toilets of his own installation are available, did you??? Farmer H made his own private urinal by standing between those two open doors, facing the truck. So only his back was visible to peepers.