Thursday, November 24, 2022

No Rest For The Wicked Weary Mrs. HM

Farmer H offered to forego Thanksgiving dinner for a trip to the casino. Don't think he was thinking of Mrs. HM. Not wanting her to work so hard over several days to prepare dishes and then clean up and make use of the leftovers. That was not his motive. 

"I get tired of hearing you complain."

Well. I get tired of doing all the work! I could gladly plop myself in front of the TV, and listen to Farmer H complain while getting the whole meal ready. 

I don't know why Farmer H thinks he is in charge of commanding me not to complain! It's not as if I'm yelling at HIM. If I want to whine about dropping something on the floor, or forgetting to carry items to the table that I need for chopping, what business is it of his? He can't hear anything ELSE I say from the kitchen. Ignores me, or gives answers that have nothing to do with my questions, even when I holler them in. But let me say something to myself when things don't go my way, and he hears every word of it, and it makes him uncomfortable! Wait. That's not true. It makes him spittin' mad! For nothing! It has nothing to do with him!

Anyhoo... with The Pony living so nearby, I hate to rob him of Thanksgiving. He works hard. He had Tuesday as a regular day off. And Thanksgiving Day off. Farmer H also told The Pony we could go to the casino for Thanksgiving. But then he'd have no leftovers. AND the casino doesn't serve deviled eggs, The Pony's favorite. So rather than rob The Pony of a proffered casino trip (we hadn't been for two months), I said we could go to the casino on Tuesday, and I'd still cook to have Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday.

I did scale back my menu. Poor Pony isn't getting his Oreo Cake. He said that was fine, he can make one for himself when he wants it. We are still having Pony Favorites: deviled eggs, stuffing, roasted vegetables, and Sister Schubert's rolls. I even bought him some Kerrygold butter! We'll have turkey breast and a 7-layer salad, too. Plus cheesecake for dessert. So we're not going to starve.

Right now I'm typing this at 1:30 a.m. The deviled eggs and the vegetables are done. The first set of dishes is washed. I was going to make the salad, but I'm tired, and only feel like making four layers. So I will do that Thursday morning after I put the turkey breast in the oven. Then the table and counter need cleaning off.

I doubt I'll get much sleep, what with Farmer H not going anywhere, and probably laying abed BREATHING when I want to rest. I guess one day without sleep won't hurt me.

Oh, yeah. It's also our 33rd wedding anniversary.


River said...

"deviled eggs, stuffing, roasted vegetables, and Sister Schubert's rolls. I even bought him some Kerrygold butter! We'll have turkey breast and a 7-layer salad, too. Plus cheesecake for dessert."

That's the scaled down menu? What did you leave out?
And tell Farmer H to put a sock in it.

River said...

And Happy Anniversary!
Or is that Happy Adversity like my ex used to say?

Rae said...

Well, Happy Anniversary, I think? That Hick is a "trying" man, I must say. I think you are very generous in offering Thanksgiving on top of a Tuesday casino day. Everything sounds great. It is just husband and myself, as usual. Will be getting his free turkey (from work - not much free comes from his job) to go into the oven. We likely won't eat until about 3 pm, but he's not a complainer, and will be fine with that. Just mashed spuds, gravy, butternut squash, dressing/stuffing and rolls and pumpkin pie. Homemade pie but store bought crust. I am not above cheating. Might even have pie first, depending how early and how long that turkey takes. Happy Thanksgiving! Ranee (MN)

Hillbilly Mom said...

Since Genius stayed in Pittsburgh, we didn't have his favorite Green Bean Bundles. They take a long time to get ready. Nor the potato salad that he and The Pony love. No chocolate pudding pie for Farmer H. No pumpkin pie for Farmer H. No vegetables with Hidden Valley Ranch dip. No olive and pickle and cheese tray. So we DID scale back a little.

Farmer H did what he does best by just staying out of my way this morning!

River 2,
Thank you. Sometimes I definitely think it's the second one! But I wouldn't trade him. You've heard that saying: "The devil you know..."

Hillbilly Mom said...

Thank you! Farmer H can definitely be trying, but at least he has qualities that balance out the stuff that annoys me most.

Never turn down a free turkey! One year Farmer H won a turkey by being the right caller on the local radio station. See? One more reason to keep him around.

Your menu sounds good, except the squash part. I don't think I ever ate squash, and I'm too old to try it now! I'm not a big pie fan, either. I prefer cake. But I definitely support dessert first! Just in case you might be too full after dinner...

Happy Thanksgiving to you, too!