Sunday, November 6, 2022

YO-YO Night At The Mansion

It was 79 degrees Friday when I got home from town. Had to kick the Mansion thermostat back over to COOL. A round 10:00 p.m., I could hear the winds picking up. There was an advisory for thunderstorms, and 30-40 mph winds from midnight to noon on Saturday. For once, the weather forecast was right!

I was sitting on the short couch at 12:30, watching TV, when the power went off. And came back on. That was a relief. I heard Farmer H get up. His breather shuts off when the power goes down. Of course my TV automatically goes off to save itself. I turned it back on, but had to wait for the DISH satellite info to load [may take 5 minutes], and then the DISH information guide to load [may take 10 minutes]. 

I passed the time watching the bars as the programs loaded. No rhyme nor reason. The first two took 15 seconds each. Then the last three loaded randomly. It did not take the full five minutes. Once the information guide had loaded, my Incredible Dr. Pol automatically came back on. It was the episode where Dr. Emily joined the practice. I've never seen this one in its entirety. Still. Because after a promising four minutes, the power went off again. Then came back on. 

I once again turned on my TV. Watched the DISH info load. Watched the program guide load. Saw a couple minutes of a young lab with his tongue protruding who wasn't quite right. Then the power went off again.

That scenario played out EIGHT TIMES over the next 90 minutes! EIGHT TIMES, the power went off. The DISH programs loaded.

Do you have any idea how frustrating that is? At least the power kept coming back on. At least I was able to watch an entire movie later. The Chocolate War. Which was pretty stupid. At least I won't try to watch it again, as I might have it I'd missed chunks of it.

I don't think Farmer H had a very restful night.


River said...

I don't imagine he had a restful night either, it must be awful to suddenly have your air cut off. Worse than your TV problems I'd say.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Sweet Gummi Mary! Now we have to make it about the very survival of Farmer H, and NOT about Mrs. HM missing part of her TV programs! Farmer H is indeed the squeaky wheel. It's not like a cat laid on his chest and sucked all the air out of his lungs, heh, heh! There was still room air available to him. He was not ejected from a space capsule into a vacuum.

River said...

You know I completely forgot he could still breathe room air at night. Your TV programs however will probably not be rerun for several months or even years. That's a long time to wait for catching the bits you missed.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I thought you were just having fun with me, pointing out my [alleged] selfishness over complaining about my TV shows when Farmer H might have been kind of dying...

Wait! You WERE just having fun with me. Right? Not actually thinking Farmer H might have suffocated?