Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Good Thing They're Elderlies!

I think a revolt was narrowly avoided at the Senior Center on Monday. Famer H was planning to go to an auction that afternoon/evening, without returning home for supper. I think he can get a burger or hot dog at this auction, but I looked at his Senior Center menu to make sure he got a good lunch.

"It says you'll be having

Ham with Pineapple Glaze
Sweet Potatoes
Brussel Sprouts
Peach Pie a la Mode, or Fruit

"That's good."

Well. When Farmer H got home around 9:00 p.m., he mentioned right away that he did NOT have ham for lunch at the Senior Center. 

"They give us noodles with hamburger. I said I thought we were having ham, and a bunch of the other people said so, too. That this was NOT what was on the menu!"

Farmer H did not elaborate about an explanation. He says they DO sometimes switch up the menu, which annoys the elderlies. Good thing the extent of a revolt might only be a lot of cane-shaking and complaining. Throwing chairs and burning the place down would be too strenuous for arthritic joints.


River said...

Switching menus? How dare they? Elderly stomachs all excited about ham with pineapple glaze certainly won't enjoy noodles with hamburger instead!

Hillbilly Mom said...

I KNOW! That's all the elderlies have to look forward to. And after a whole weekend of anticipation!

Kathy's Klothesline said...

Most elderly folks have issues with too much salt in their diet, I wouldn't think ham would be a good choice to serve. I never buy ham, just too much sodium for us cardiac patients. I would love a big pot of my garden green beans, new potatoes and ham, but alas, I don't dare! I finally picked enough green beans yesterday to cook. I cooked them in low sodium chicken broth. It was good, but not nearly as good as ham would have been. Oh well.

Hillbilly Mom said...

You would think so, but this is a government program, so maybe the point is to kill off the elderlies! Stranger conspiracies than this are around!

At least you have your garden green beans. And new potatoes. So it can't be too bad.