Friday, June 7, 2024

Mrs. HM Knows Her Kitchen

When I returned from my errand day on Thursday, I noticed that the overhead kitchen light was on, as well as the recessed spotlight thingies over the sink area. 

"Why are so many lights on?"

"Oh. I was washing my utensils for the BBQ I'm doing at the Senior Center on Friday."

Well. I guess that's as good an explanation as any. Farmer H doesn't deign to wash any other dishes or utensils. But the ones he leaves hanging out on the porch, which he uses while cooking for us, must be scrubbed for his special senior friends.

When I went to get a pan for warming some thawed vinchtables for Farmer H's supper, I noticed that everything I had left to drain in the clean sink was wet.

"Hey! Why are all my dishes wet? I washed them early. They should be dry by now. So I can put them away like usual."

"Oh. I might have gotten water on them while I was washing my utensils."

REALLY?  How does that happen? How sloppy must you be to get the draining dishes wet, while washing your utensils in the other sink?

I suppose I should consider myself lucky that Farmer H did not ask me to wash his BBQ utensils to take to the Senior Center.


River said...

So was that dirty scrubbing water or clean rinsing water that splashed onto your clean dishes? At least he washes something!

Hillbilly Mom said...

OH NOOOO! I didn't even think about it being the DIRTY water!!! At least my bowls and pans were flipped over, so just the bottoms were exposed. Still preventing them from being put away wet. I let them air-dry, so I don't have to do double work!

After all that "effort" from Farmer H, he went off and left his giant tongs and spatula lying on a kitchen chair by the door! I called and offered to meet him in town with them, but Farmer H drove back out to the Mansion to get them. Couldn't have me interfering with his Friday afternoon bull session with his cronies, I guess.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

Well, at least he washed them and didn't ask you to do it. No comment on his sloppiness with the water!

Hillbilly Mom said...

So true. It would not have surprised me if Farmer H had taken his utensils unwashed. The way he uses them HERE to prepare food for ME!