Saturday, June 8, 2024

No Good Deed By Farmer H Goes Unpunished For Mrs. HM

Farmer H volunteered to take Gassy G Jr to town on Friday, to grill for a cookout at the Senior Center. He had to stop by (heh, heh, as if he wasn't already there for morning donuts) the Hillmomba Casey's to get a thingy of propane to cook with. Didn't want to run out midway through the shindig. That cost $26. No reimbursement.

When Farmer H was starting home after the event, SilverRedO was dead. Farmer H needed a jump, and has to buy a new battery. So Mrs. HM needs to find the funds for such an unanticipated purchase. Farmer H's windfall of six bratwursts to bring home hardly offsets his expenses...

Farmer H will be taking two of the six bratwursts in his lunch for the weekend at his SUS2 (Storage Unit Store 2). And will eat two of them on Saturday evening for his supper (with sides concocted by Mrs. HM). Mrs. HM is given permission to eat the remaining two.

No good deed goes unpunished.


River said...

I hope the cost of the new battery wasn't too high.

Hillbilly Mom said...

It will probably be more than $100, but less than $200. We'll see. Farmer H is getting it today. After an irritating experience trying to do it yesterday.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

nice of him to volunteer, though

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yes, there's that. Farmer H is very good about helping random people, to the detriment of Mrs. HM and The Pony...