Thursday, June 13, 2024

Once Again, Farmer H Oversteps The Boundaries

In his frenzy of working three days a week at his SUS2 (Storage Unit Store 2), and doing PAID work for the Old Lady who bought our QuickFlip house, and trying to finish up the Beauty Shop portion of the Double Hovel... Farmer H has let The Pony's yard go without mowing. It's not to the height that would trigger a letter from the city. Just kind of shaggy, with clover flowers shooting up.

Now that SilverRedO has a problem, Farmer H can't risk taking his precious zero-turn mower to town to mow yards. Tuesday night, HOSS (Farmer H's Oldest Son's Son) sent him a text asking if Farmer H had any work for him. He was wanting to earn some money to pay for his phone. Farmer H said he could mow The Pony's yard with the push mower.

Not a big deal. Farmer H used to mow it with a push mower, which he has stashed over in The Pony's garage. So he picked up HOSS on Wednesday and took him to The Pony's house. This was totally a surprise for The Pony, on his day off, who had an appointment at 5:00, and was planning to also go to the store beforehand, because his phone charger died.

Anyhoo... Farmer H came home late on Wednesday night after bingo, complaining about The Pony. Can you believe it??? Here's what The Pony DARED to do...

"I knocked on the door to get water for HOSS. I asked The Pony if he had a bottle of water. He came to the door in just a towel! Said he was planning to soak in the tub before he left for town. Then he gave me a soda for HOSS."

"Not one of his special Cokes, was it? The Mexican Cokes, with real sugar, that cost $10 for four at Country Mart?"

"Yeah. It was a Coke."

"I don't know why The Pony had to provide drinks for lawnmowing. He pays you $30 for mowing his lawn."

"It's just what you do, HM. You give the lawnmower something to drink."

"So if you hire somebody to mow your yard, you give them drinks?"

"Yes! That's what a normal person would do!"

"Did The Pony know you were coming to mow the yard?"


"So you didn't tell him before you just showed up?"

"No. But he had to hear us out there."

"Yet he was planning to get in the bathtub before his appointment."

"That don't matter none! You always offer drinks to the lawnmower."

So let's review. Apparently, The Pony is supposed to sit around fully dressed on his day off, with a refrigerator stocked with bottles of water, in case somebody shows up to mow his yard.

Let the record show that Farmer H threw up his hands in a fit of pique, and stomped off to bed at 8:50 p.m., having just arrived home from bingo, before even sitting down in his recliner.

Farmer H is an entitled prima donna. 


River said...

I don't know a single person who offers drinks to the lawn mowing people. You hire them to do a job which you then pay for. Most lawn mowing people out here work for companies and carry their own drinks and lunches.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I agree. It's not the 1950s when a housewife might take out a pitcher of lemonade to a kid mowing her lawn.

I think Farmer H was wrong for the INTRUSION, more than for strong-arming The Pony into giving up a "special" soda. A day off is a precious 24 hours, anticipated for days, when you don't want somebody popping in or knocking on your door.

River said...

He does needs to learn not to intrude on others privacy, even his own children.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yes. Farmer H thinks he's king of the world, entitled to entry into any building that tickles his fancy.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

I must confess that I have given out bottles of ice cold water to helpers that I also paid. Of course, I had a well stocked camping store to facilitate my generosity. And, it was nice of the Pony to offer up one of his special sodas. Farmer H just needs to pull his panties out of his butt!

Hillbilly Mom said...

There's nothing wrong with giving out drinks if you are so inclined, and are expecting the mower at a certain time. The Pony is used to Farmer H doing the mowing himself, on a push mower, while The Pony is away at work. So this was a surprise, having someone there on a day off, using a push mower. Also, it does not naturally occur to The Pony to do good deeds for others...

Yes, Farmer H needs to get over himself, and stop trying to dictate the behavior of other adults who are not beholden to him!

Hillbilly Mom said...

I meant to write that Farmer H does the mowing on a RIDING mower. And is then paid by The Pony at the end of the month, for the number of mowings he's done.