Monday, June 10, 2024

The Quest For A Battery Gets Farmer H All Charged Up

Saturday, Farmer H took time away from his SUS2 (Storage Unit Store 2) to replace the dead battery in SilverRedO. He had to jump the battery to get it started. He drove to the Devil's Playground automotive department, and saw that they were very crowded. He didn't want to go in and ask now long, because he knew SilverRedO wouldn't start if he decided not to stay. So he drove down to Bill-Paying Town to THAT Devil's Playground. Which didn't look very busy. This was around 2:00 p.m.

Farmer H parked SilverRedO back at the automotive department and went inside. The Guy told him three cars were ahead of him, then he'd be next. They had two oil changes, and I don't remember the other. Farmer H waited. He saw those three vehicles serviced. He'd told The Guy that they'd have to give SilverRedO's battery a jump to drive him inside. Yet Farmer H saw A DIFFERENT truck taken in for servicing. And then ANOTHER!

Well. As you can imagine, this did not set will with Farmer H. He went to the service desk to complain about what he'd been told, and what was happening. By now, he'd spent 2.5 hours there waiting, and cars that weren't even there when he arrived were being worked on before SilverRedO.

Another Guy told Farmer H that those were people who had called in. That the policy was to service the ones who called in first. Well! This was news to Farmer H! Not so much to me, because Terrible Cuts does the same thing, with people who check in on their app being seen immediately when a Terrible Cutter is free.

"So you mean if I go call you, I'll be the next one after the other call-in people are done?"


"So just by calling, they go ahead of everybody who's been here waiting?"


"That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard!"

"You can call, or you can go buy one of our batteries and put it in yourself."

"I wouldn't buy one of your batteries now for NOTHIN'!"

So Farmer H stormed out and came home, all charged up at the injustice of it all. Not sure how he got SilverRedO started... 


River said...

That does seem like VERY BAD business practice, to keep someone waiting for hours after telling them they'd be next. I would never go back there after that.But I would call ahead to the next place I'd try, just to be sure of getting in.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I agree. But this is a tactic Terrible Cuts uses, and I have joined them rather than trying to beat them.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

That seems like a poor policy to use! Like going to a restaurant that says you need no reservation, when you call to make one, then see people arriving and being led right in. Then being told that they made a reservation!

Hillbilly Mom said...

Customer service does not seem to be a priority these days!