Wednesday, June 5, 2024

THIS Is Customer Service

My handicap placard and I parked T-Hoe in the second handicap space from the left at 10Box on Tuesday. I made sure to cheat over into the striped walkway, since people purely love to close-park in the regular space to my left. As I was getting out, and limbering up my right knee that is so contrary, one of the workers came around the corner from the bench put there for the smokers. Or the bicycle homeless people who occasionally offer me a ride.

Anyhoo... this gal is one who is always polite to me. She has cashed a couple of my $500 winners at the service desk. She has offered to open up a register to wait on me. She has left me a cart to use as a walker when I'm parked out in the regular spaces.

"Wait right there, honey. I'll get you a cart."

Such an empathetic employee, catering to Mrs. HM's needs!!! I have mentioned to her before how much I appreciate the 10Box employees, since they are always SO NICE, and go out of their way to help the customers.

A young guy had just been collecting carts. When I parked, there were about 5 stuck together in front of T-Hoe. I took a couple minutes getting my glasses out of the case, to perch on top of my head. And sorting my scratcher winners to cash in after my purchases. He took that row of carts before I could nab one. So this Exemplary Employee was a special gift from The Universe.

As I hobbled around to the front of T-Hoe, she was down the sidewalk, past the doors, getting a cart out of the bay where they are pushed in from outside. Here she came, wheeling that cart backwards, to place it in front of me. The young guy, and another purple-shirted employee, were at the cart bay.

"They're going to say 'You're doing it backwards!' since they've just collected the carts. Thank you SO MUCH! I can always depend on you!"

"You're very welcome!"

Some people deserve more than The Universe is giving them!


River said...

What a nice thing to do for you. I hope your scratchers are lucky today.

Hillbilly Mom said...

All the employees there are super friendly, even the teen guy who doesn't know a lime from a lemon, but this lady is the best! I had a $100 winner on a $10 scratcher. So maybe my luck is changing!

Kathy's Klothesline said...

So easy to be nice, yet so many would rather ignore customers or be rude.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yes. The employees of 10Box are very nice to customers. I think it might be because they are so relieved to still have their jobs after the sale of Country Mart to 10Box.