Saturday, November 19, 2022

A Hot Toddy In The Old Mansion Last Night

I made the hot toddy as promised on Thursday night, for poor pitiful sickly Farmer H. He wasn't acting all that sick. But still, I babied him. IF you consider plying him with alcohol something you would do for a baby...
A hot toddy is comprised of whiskey, honey, lemon juice, and hot water. You can also add cinnamon if you want a little kick. Yes. I have to look up the recipe every time Farmer H is sick. 
I even heated the big cup before putting the hot toddy in it. So it would stay warm longer. It's not like you chug a hot toddy. You sip it, letting the alcohol dilate your blood vessels, and the steam seep into your sinuses, and the honey coat your throat, and the lemon... well... do whatever the lemon does, which I assume is provide vitamin C to help your immune system. 

Farmer H coughed up some loose-sounding phlegm. He seemed less congested. And he grew tired, and was in bed by 8:00. The ill need their rest, you know.

Of course he was congested again by morning, and sounded like his head was in a bucket. But he said the hot toddy helped him sleep. So I promised him another one Friday night after supper.

As I was sitting at HIPPIE at the kitchen table around noon, while Farmer H was roaming the countryside like Typhoid Mary, I glanced at the dishes I needed to wash up from the previous evening. Something on the kitchen counter caught my eye.


I had completely forgotten to add the honey to Farmer H's hot toddy! He didn't mention it. And neither did I. Once he's over his sickness, I might offhandedly let that info slip. Or not.


River said...

"Farmer H was roaming the countryside like Typhoid Mary" spreading his germs so all and sundry could catch what he has. Tsk Tsk. I hope at least he is wearing a mask? There are new waves and strains of covid all the time now, have you both tested to see if he has one of them?
I wouldn't mention the honey. Just remember to put it in the toddy next time.

Hillbilly Mom said...

That was my point. Nothing can dissuade Farmer H from his regular travels. I DID talk him out of going to the auction tonight, but he must have been considering it anyway, what with it being the weekend before Thanksgiving, and probably having low attendance anyway.

Not everything is THE VIRUS. It's just a head cold. Nobody wears a mask around here, except the one clerk at the Gas Station Chicken Store (it's one of those neck things you pull up over your face) and the Man Owner (a regular black mask). Farmer H even said that nobody was wearing a mask at the imaging center where he got his MRI on Friday, and that nobody mentioned to any of the "patients" to wear one.

I didn't mention the honey, but tonight I accidentally shook too much cinnamon into the toddy! It just came out all at once! I DID warn Farmer H, but he said it was fine, just not to add so much next time.

River said...

It's true, not everything is the virus, but I still worry. I don't want to be catching anything and passing it on to those sweet twins.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I really thought Farmer H should stay home. Not go sit at his SUS2, even though he had heat. And not hang out with his cronies for his weekly bull-shooting session. I said, "You wouldn't want to get them sick." And he said, "We'll be fine!" Can't lead a hick away from water!

I promise you that Farmer H won't spread his sickness to you. I won't allow it! Of course you want to keep those twins safe!