Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Here We Go Again. Two Lies And The Truth.

Farmer H has been picking up the mail. He brings it in and puts it on the kitchen counter for me to peruse. Meaning for me to throw away the holiday junk mail, and pick out the bills to pay them.
Tuesday, Farmer H was over at the BARn when I came home from town. Well, near the BARn, at the Freight Container Garage. I don't know what he was doing there, since he's under doctor's orders not to lift more than 10 pounds. Anyhoo... my loving fleabags were over there, and missed their treat. 

When Farmer H came to the house, he fed Juno her special canned dog food and some dry dog food. She gets it twice a day, and is looking much better. I could hardly feel her ribs through her fur coat. Anyhoo... when Farmer H came in, I told him to give the dogs their treat. So he went back out. Then when he came in again, I asked if he had picked up his medicine, because the pharmacy kept calling. He had, but left it in SilverRedO. So he went back out again to get it.

"I didn't notice any mail in the counter. Did you get the mail?"

"There wasn't none."

"We didn't get ANYTHING?"


"I guess I can check when I go to town tomorrow. Maybe it's really late."

"Alls we got was a gift certificate for me from the lumber yard."

"So we DID get mail?"

"Only the gift certificate for the next time I buy stuff."

"That's different from not getting anything! Now I know not to get out and walk across the road to check."


What in the Not-Heaven is wrong with Farmer H??? Why can't he just say, "We only got a gift certificate from the lumber yard."


River said...

He probably assumed you were asking about bills that needed paying.

Hillbilly Mom said...

That would serve me no purpose. I wanted to know if I should stop and check the mail on the way to town. If he said we got NOTHING, I would have needlessly hoisted myself in and out of T-Hoe and crossed the road looking for mail that might get taken if left in EmBee. Since I discovered we got SOMETHING, there was no need for me to get out and look.

We do actually get other mail besides bills and junk mail. Financial statements, medical statements, CASINO OFFERS (!), an occasional misdirected item for The Pony, refund checks, requests for information to process medical claims, tax receipts...