Thursday, June 20, 2024


Farmer H is back to his usual tricks. Actually, he never veered away from his regular tricks. He's quite consistent in telling me not to believe my lying eyes...

Wednesday, we returned from a lunch trip to meet Genius and Friend as they passed through from Pittsburgh on their way to work at Boys' State in central Missouri for a week.

Farmer H parked A-Cad on the concrete carport to let me out before pulling into the garage. There's not enough room to get the passenger door open. Even The Pony has to get out before garaging, when he's riding shotgun with Farmer H. 

Anyhoo... Farmer H announced, "I need to pee!" Because, you know, the world needs that information. He does this all the time when we get home from a trip, much to The Pony's horror, and jumps out to relieve himself with the car running. At least he USED to step over to the edge and water the grass out back. But this time, he just watered the concrete.

I was easing my aching knees out of the door, getting them used to me standing on them again after our 45-minute drive. Farner H got back in, and I stepped away from A-Cad. He pulled into the garage, with me walking after him.

Huh. That was odd. There were two puddles on the carport. A smaller one where the driver's door had been. And a larger one over behind where the back end of A-Cad had been. So as I was hobbling through the garage, I asked Farmer H...

"Did you pee twice?"

"No. I peed once. I really had to go."

"Then why are there two puddles?"

"There's not."

"Yes, there ARE. Two puddles. I was just trying to figure out why you'd pee, then stop, then pee in a different place."

"I didn't, HM. I only peed once."

"Then what's that other puddle?"


"LOOK! Look out there right now! Before I close the garage door."

Farmer H turned from his position on the porch steps, to look.

"Huh. That was from the air conditioner."

It might have been. I don't know enough about how cars work. I didn't know the air conditioner drips out water when the car is still running. Or that it leaves a puddle outside the car frame, in the area of the driver's door, on a level slab of concrete. But that's just me. Me and my lyin' eyes.

I didn't CARE that there were two puddles. It's not hurting anything. I was just curious. But I got more stubborn when Farmer H kept declaring there was only ONE puddle.


River said...

I'd be more annoyed that he is watering concrete instead of grass. Although it IS hard to ignore that fact there are TWO puddles.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

I was just commenting to HeWho drives me crazy that he would surely miss me if I died before him. He Would have to find someone else to argue with!

Hillbilly Mom said...

He probably couldn't hold it long enough to get to the edge. Farmer H is very much like a toddler these days, waiting until the last minute, then announcing his intentions.

Ain't THAT the truth! I'm sure Farmer H will hang on past the bitter end, just to get the last word, so I can't prove him wrong!