Wednesday, September 18, 2024

A Cup In Farmer H's World

You may recall that I complained (how uncharacteristic of Mrs. HM!) to Farmer H about the dogs getting fat because he is giving them too much food. Of course Farmer H dodged responsibility, claiming that he only gives them each A CUP of dog food every morning at 6:00 a.m.

Well. Farmer H apparently has a different concept of "a cup" than Mrs. HM, and the standard of measurements. He might be referring to a container which he keeps in the dog food trash can where he stores their food, to keep out any garage intruders like mice and possums. 

Anyhoo... I took a picture when I left for town on Monday, of the still-full dog dishes. You'd think that dogs would eat when fed at 6:00 a.m. But perhaps they DID, and this is still what was left in their bowls around 2:00 p.m.


That's dainty lady Scarlett, who just a few seconds before was munching on the contents of Jack's food bowl. His bowl is smaller than Scarlett's, because Jack is a smaller dog. LOOK AT THAT PILE OF FOOD! There's no way that my little Jack needs that much daily food to survive! And it looks untouched.

There's my little Jack, at least looking embarrassed by his girth and ample rumpus, standing at Scarlett's bowl to get even with her for taking a bite out of his food dish. Again, that's way too much food for Scarlett, even though she's a hyper, active dog. They must really be feeling sated to leave their food bowls so full all day. The birds and squirrels and probably the wild cat must love this buffet.

That looks like AT LEAST three measuring cups of food in those dishes, but probably more. I don't know how Farmer H can't understand this "measuring" concept.


River said...

Holey Doughnuts!! How big is this "cup" he uses? We need a picture of it next to a regular measuring cup. That's far too much food! You need to exchange that cup and somehow get it into Farmer H's head that he only needs to give them ONE cup of the smaller size. Twice a day.

River said...

I took a minute to have another look at the dogs, they are definitely too heavy. Scarlett in particular should not have a big belly like that, Jack just looks too stocky.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

Jack is a cute little guy, he looks full of mischeif, like my Bo. Tell Hick that your readers want him to know he is over feeding the dogs! He is also wasting food. I bet a heavy winded rainstorm can get that food all wet, attracts flies, and gets thrown out! Surely he will listen to reason!

Hillbilly Mom said...

Wait until you read tomorrow's post! Farmer H doesn't refer to it as a "cup" at all! If I wasn't always in such a hurry to leave to beat the bus-waiting cars who block the gravel road, I would get that container out and take a picture.

Farmer H has cut back on the food before, and the dogs slimmed down. I don't know why he's back to over-feeding.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I actually think JACK is fatter! For his size. Scarlett kind of has a barrel shape to her belly normally, but she is indeed too fat right now.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Jack is getting older, and some of his mischief has leaked out. Or is clogged by fat! He still starts "fights" with Copper Jack, and chews up things he's not supposed to have.

This certainly explains why Farmer H needs to buy dog food so often. Right now the food attracts birds who poop on the porch, and squirrels who are a nuisance.