Saturday, September 7, 2024

Everyone's A Comedian

We all know that Farmer H was born without a funny bone. But like how the sun even shines on a dog's rumpus some days... occasionally Farmer H spouts something funny.

Farmer H's paid assistant Old Buddy has not been feeling well. With his car broken down, Farmer H picked him up and drove him around for the work they were doing on Thursday. When they left Lowe's, Old Buddy told Farmer H he needed to stop somewhere, QUICK, because he was feeling a bit indisposed. They were working on something at Farmer H's "new" storage unit, so Old Buddy used the Port-A-Potty there.

Old Buddy did not want Farmer H to pick him up to go to the SUS2 (Storage Unit Store 2) on Friday. He had a doctor's appointment. Supposedly a friend was taking him. Farmer H called to check on Old Buddy. 

"I'm just waiting for the cab to come take me to the doctor."

"I would have taken you! All you had to do was tell me! I thought your friend was doing it."

"Well, we found out she had to work. So it was too late to call anybody else. I'm getting a test. They're going to stick a tube down my throat, and a tube up my butt."

"I hope they're going to use two different tubes." Said Farmer H, the stand-up comedian.


River said...

OMG! That is funny! I laughed out loud and got a glare from Lola who is pretending to sleep.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Poor Lola! Yet another victim of Farmer H's words of wisdom!