Thursday, September 12, 2024

Farmer H, Asserting His Place As Expert Of All Things

Nothing much happening around here, but at least I have my fall-back subject of Farmer H and his unparalleled expertise at every subject under the sun.

You may recall that he does his own laundry, because 35 years ago, he refused to put his dirty clothes in the hamper for me to wash. Choosing instead to leave them on the bedroom floor. I don't think it was too much to ask for him to put them in the hamper. He, apparently, DID!

Anyhoo... the joke's on Farmer H, since he's been doing his own laundry for a lifetime now. When I left for town on Wednesday, he said he had some laundry to do. He was putting it in the washer as I went out the door. When I got home 45 minutes later, I heard the dryer going. 

I had Farmer H's supper ready at 5:30. He was eating, and I sat down to scratch my lottery tickets. I wasn't paying any attention to him. He's a grown man. He can eat without supervision, and fetch his laundry for folding. I didn't note the time when he came to get his clothes, and put another load in the washer or dryer. 

Again, I don't know the exact timeline. I was preoccupied with scratchers. Farmer H came back to the kitchen for his dessert of Mexican Cheesecake from the Senior Center the day before. He might have fiddled with his laundry at the time. 

What I DO remember is that as I was returning from the bathroom at 7:20, Farmer H asked if the dryer was still going. Yes, it was. I also remember that at 7:45, Farmer H came to the laundry room, and said, "Huh. It's still going." I only noticed because I then checked the time, wondering when I was going to start my own supper.

At 8:05, a time when Farmer H usually is getting ready for bed, I hollered to ask, "How long is your laundry going to be drying?"

"HM! It's on a TIMER!"

Said Farmer H, obviously the Master of All Laundry, ASSuming that I don't understand how a dryer works. Seriously. How could Farmer H THINK his dryer might be done at 7:20, when it was still running 45 minutes later??? It's like he must have just started it around 7:20! No way would it be done that soon, if it still had more than 45 minutes to go!

Farmer H then came to the laundry room, and said, "It's done enough." And took out his clothes for folding. 

Silly me. Not understanding how a dryer works...


Rae said...

"It's done enough," I sure hope Hick doesn't start smelling like mildew because his clothes were done enough. Ranee

Hillbilly Mom said...

I think it might be the opposite. Farmer H absolutely COOKS those clothes in the dryer. He usually won't go get them until the buzzer goes off, not even checking to see if they might be done before the longest, hottest cycle. You'd think he would have a better sense of time than thinking they were done, when they were still going 45 minutes after asking me if the dryer had stopped.

River said...

Does he just auromatically set the dial all the way to the longest possible cycle? Does he not realise there are incremental settings for lesser times?

Hillbilly Mom said...

ALWAYS! To be fair, he has about 3 loads stuffed into one washing. So it probably needs to take so much time, due to overloading. He usually sets that darn timer, which goes off several times as it's nearing the finish. I guess now I'M his timer!

River said...

Overloading doesn't do the machines any good.

Hillbilly Mom said...

So true. But the dryer has lasted for 35 years (so far), and the washer for 21.