Tuesday, September 17, 2024

The Pony Cannot Swallow A Horse Pill

In talking with The Pony a couple weeks ago, I offered to get him a vitamin to take through the winter months. Hopefully to thwart any virus he might be exposed to at work, and keep him from being ill and having to use his sick days.

I've been taking a "vitamin" for several years now. It has vitamin C, vitamin D, Zinc, and Quercetin. Supposedly the Quercetin allows the Zinc to get into the cells, and slow the replication of a virus. It doesn't prevent colds, but slows down the beginning stages so the body's immunity can fight it off.

Anyhoo... during my unfortunate HospitValzation back in January/February 2022, I was taking this vitamin, and asked for it to be brought in by Farmer H. My doctor gave it approval, and it was provided to me with my regular meds. On the day I was being released, I asked my nurse to get the bottle for me to take home. I also asked

"Do you think this has helped me get over The Virus?" [That was my diagnosis at the ER, though my discharge papers from the hospital listed my illness as Community-Acquired Pneumonia.]

"Yes! And also, you might try Elderberry. It's good for the immune system." Said my nurse Alex, the second Nurse Alex I'd had in two days.

Anyhoo... The Pony had told me before that he cannot take that vitamin I offered, because it's too big. Yes. It is a large capsule, but easier than getting each of those four ingredients separately. A couple months ago, I saw that the place where I order my giant horse pill of a vitamin had a GUMMI variety! And the gummies also included ELDERBERRY. So I ordered some.

The Pony said he would give the gummi vitamins a try. I had not yet opened up my order that had arrived, but finally got out a bottle to take to The Pony when I visited on Sunday.

Welp! Of all the bad luck! The flavor of those gummi vitamins is STRAWBERRY! The Pony hates strawberry! He still says he will give that vitamin a try. Hopefully, he can at least hold his nose, and chase it with something more flavorful.


River said...

Do the gummies come in another flavour or is strawberry the only option?

Hillbilly Mom said...

Strawberry is the only flavor that these specific ingredients come in. At least they have a sugar coating. That might help The Pony choke them down. They are a cube shape, maybe the diameter of a dime.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

Tell your Pony to take the vitamin along with another gummie with a stronger flavor so he won't taste the strawberry. My son just passed another kidney stone, he has them several times a year. I have been telling hime to drink cherry juice. He doesn't particularly like the flavor of cherry and he needed his mom to tell him how to camoflage the taste.

Hillbilly Mom said...

That's a good idea! The Pony likes sour gummi worms. Maybe I can get him a pack when I go to the store. Can't go wrong with a daily vitamin and a worm!

Sorry your son has kidney stone trouble. My dad had them and needed surgery. Farmer H had one and passed it on vacation in Branson, after several hours in the hospital. One of my fellow teachers had them, and said he had to cut out colas and tea.