Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Over The Lips, Past The Gums, Lookout Stomach, Get Some Tums

The Pony's friend, 2nd Bestie, came for a visit last week. As usual, they went to lunch at The Pony's favorite place, Steak N Shake.

"Did you guys have a good lunch?"

"Yes. She spilled her fries at the first bite. She ate them, though! She didn't want them to go to waste."

"Off the FLOOR?"

"Mom. We ate in my car."

"Oh. That's different. Better than the floor of Steak N Shake."

"They went down beside the seat. She fished them all out, though."

"She seems to like eating off the floor of your car..."

"I know! You're remembering the cookie, aren't you? That I told you about, after the movie that time down in Norman."

"Yeah. I can't forget that. HOW long had it been there?"

"At least a year..."

"I didn't know THAT! I thought it was just a week or two."

"No. I remember when I made the cookies, and Bestie and 2nd Bestie were full, and didn't want any more. I just didn't clean out my car."

Anyhoo... the Pony was planning a trip to the city to visit 2nd Bestie on Sunday. However, they decided to reschedule.

"She's sick. Like sick to her stomach."

"Oh, no! I hope it wasn't...um...something she...ATE! Heh, heh! I didn't mean for it to come out that way, but at the end of the sentence, I was remembering the car fries."

"It could have been. They were down on the metal track that moves the seat. And there's some grease on it."

"I'm not sure if that's worse than a year-old cookie."

"Well, YOU ate a hot dog off the porch where JACK eats!"

Yes. Yes, I did.


Sioux Roslawski said...

You and The Pony seem to both have a fondness for eating stuff that's fallen. If you two are like that, what kind of standards does Farmer H have?

Hillbilly Mom said...

Two words: FLOOR DONUT!

When The Pony had surgery for his first broken elbow, Farmer H helped himself to the hospitality treats for the families of patients. While he was out of The Pony's pre-op cubicle during the surgery, I spied half a donut under the chair Farmer H had been sitting in. He returned carrying another donut on a napkin.

"I don't think you should get ANOTHER donut until you finish your first one."

"Oh. I wondered where that went. I KNEW I didn't remember eating the whole thing."

I have no idea how that partial donut got directly under the chair. And how Farmer H didn't know about it. He blew on it and finished it. I imagine it was either really clean, because it was a hospital floor. Or really dirty. Because it was a hospital floor.

River said...

I hope 2nd bestie is feeling much better by now. The problem may not have been the car floor, but the oil the fries were fried in. Maybe it was too old and getting towards rancid.

Hillbilly Mom said...

According to The Pony, 2nd Bestie feels better.

"Does she have any idea what it was?"

"Probably something she ate."

"I KNOW that! I wondered if it was from the grease off the floor of your car when she ate the spilled fries."

"She didn't mention it. Which leads me to believe that she ate something WORSE!"

Kathy's Klothesline said...

I have been known to drop a pill or two on the floor and wipe them off with a paper towel and put them in HeWho's pill taker. Mine, too. Pills are expensive! But food would be different, depending on whether or not it could be rinsed off. French fries would attract dust and dog hair to stick on them.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Funny you should mention pills. Around 2:30 today, I found a FLOOR PILL under the edge of the bathroom vanity. A bright yellow fellow. I dusted it off and put it by the sink for Farmer H's inspection. He later said it was a cholesterol pill, I think. Or potassium. As you can see, I don't set out his meds.

I guess 2nd Bestie needs to take a lesson from a raccoon, and learn to wash her food!