Sunday, June 14, 2020

Pony And The Jets

Back on the day that I discovered either pasta sauce on the living room carpet, or spilled wax from my melty fragrance thingy that Genius had gifted me for Christmas... we also had another Pony incident.

Don't think I'm picking on The Pony. I'm just bringing to light how accidentally destructive he is! We'd just finished the waxed carpet discussion, and The Pony was headed off to the master bathroom for his nightly soak in the big triangle tub.

"That's another thing," said Farmer H. "You don't need to be in there so long. Now the heater is broke."

"No it's not. I just used it last night."

"Yeah, but did the water stay hot?"

"It got hot when I turned it on."

"That's the thing. You run those jets for two hours. They're not made for that. They heat the water as it's going through them. But now it doesn't work."

"Oh. I thought the jets just moved the water around."

"NOW that's all they do."


"When you get a job, you'll have to build us a whole new house to replace everything you've broken!"

No. We're not picking on The Pony. Not at all.


Sioux Roslawski said...

A little Sir Elton John, eh?

Isn't that his right, his destiny? After all, he did phenomenally in college. He hasn't been in prison or jail (right? ;), he is not a father, he hasn't developed a legal or illegal dependence on anything (except butter, right?). So, it is his due to soak in the triangle tub for hours and hours--and who cares if his need for speed when it comes to the movement of water and his fondness of hot water results in things getting broken.

Hop to it. Get that tub fixed so the water is hot AND it moves at a rapid speed. He must be comfortable and happy at all times.

Hillbilly Mom said...

AND, he is not as smart-mouthy as Genius. In fact, Farmer H finally fixed those jets in time for The Pony's return. He came home so seldom, and Farmer H meant to have the tub fixed by Christmas, but had trouble finding the right motor or something. Had to have a guy rebuild something. I guess he'll have to have the guy do it again!

I was going to title it: P-P-P-Pony and the Jets.

River said...

I had no idea the jets heated the water. I'll have to keep that in mind when I am rich enough to buy a hot tub. In my next life.
I'm smiling at the idea of The Pony having to build you two a whole new replacement house.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I didn't know that either. But it makes sense, because who wants to sit in a cooling tub, circulating water that's getting cold?

Heh, heh! We wouldn't let The Pony design the house he'd build us, that's for sure!