Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Hillbilly Mom Said There'd Be Days Like This

Tuesday was not a good day for The Pony. Maybe the fact that his office received 12,000 packages on Monday had something to do with it. But The Pony doesn't shy away from hard work. He plugs away without a need for nagging.
The Pony was assigned an LLV that had a dial in the red zone. He called his supervisor, who said it was just reading the temperature wrong. So he had to keep driving it. Nothing bad happened. From the gauge.
While delivering on foot, The Pony lost the key to the LLV. It fell out of his back pocket. Which he realized when he got back to the LLV. So he had to re-trace his steps along the route, looking for the key. After 20 minutes of no success, squatting down to peer into the grass intermittently, during which a downpour drenched him, The Pony called his supervisor to report the loss of the key. She said to call the garage that repairs the LLVs, to bring out another key. Five seconds after he called the garage, Pony found the key. So he called back to cancel.
When he got back to the LLV, his right leg was hurting. The Pony didn't know if it was from wearing his new shoes, or from the squatting to look for the key. 
On the way home after his 12+ hour shift, The Pony took his shoes off to let his feet dry out. Which he soon regretted, because...
"I could smell my own feet!"


River said...

Back pockets are notorious for spitting out things they don't want to hold on to.
Oh yuk! Stinky feet!

Hillbilly Mom said...

The first thing The Pony does when he gets home is sit down on the long couch and take off his shoes and socks. I have never noticed the smell. Then again, I DO have some sinus issues...

Farmer H's older boys had the stinkingest feet ever! Only eclipsed by a couple of students that were the talk of the Semi Weekly Meeting of the Newmentia Lunch Time Think Tank. A smell like a rotting skunk stuffed with durian. I'm thinking they didn't have a nightly 2-hour soak in a big triangle tub in a master bathroom.

I'm not sure why the keys were in the back pocket. The Pony was wearing pants, I think, and not cargo shorts. Maybe he had his phone in one front pocket (he listens to music and podcasts during his walking route), and his scanner in the other? Although I think they have a holster for the scanner, but I'm not sure he uses it.