Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Time For The Pony's Latest Horror Story From Work

Shockingly enough, The Pony's latest work horror story did NOT involve a rickety vehicle he was assigned to complete his route.

"Oh, Mom. Do you want to hear my latest horror story from work? I stopped at the Casey's to get gas and use the bathroom. And by the sink, I think I saw A SEVERED FINGERTIP! That's what it looked like, anyway. There was the tip and half of a fingernail and some of the cuticle with BLOOD on it. It didn't look quite substantial enough to be a whole fingertip. It was on the floor just below the edge of the counter by the sink, and there was blood on the edge of the sink."

"NOOOO! That's too creepy! Maybe somebody didn't pay their drug money, and got whacked in the john! Or maybe it was just a press-on nail that came off, and ripped some skin."

"I was hoping that it was a fake nail, but it wasn't the whole fingernail. And it was in the MEN'S bathroom! But the women's was closed for cleaning."

I don't know what was going on there! It's the Casey's near the Gas Station Chicken Store. The Pony is still doing the route he put a hold on. He had help for an hour, a new CCA, because Tuesday was kind of a light day, even with the junk mail monthly coupon magazine going to every door. The Pony was off by 4:00 (went in at 5:30 a.m.), and took himself to Steak N Shake.

Hopefully, somebody sweeps up the fingertip. It would be a terrible thing to happen by the counter at Orb K, where that thing would be mummified before it was ever cleaned up!


River said...

I'm in two minds about this. One mind is saying yuk, I don't want to know, the other side is saying what, who, why? and wanting details. Which we can't get because The Pony wasn't a witness to any finger slicing.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I'm hoping it was a press-on nail that got bumped on something and fell off, while a woman was using the men's bathroom because the other one was being cleaned. That's the best-case scenario. I certainly don't want to think that a guy who makes our pizza was careless with the slicer!