Thursday, December 7, 2023

A New Case Of Scarlett Leaver, Which Has Spread To Jack

Just when you think the turmoil in the Mansion's pet department has been resolved, a new case rears its bouncy paws...

As I returned home from town on Monday, I met Farmer H in SilverRedO about halfway between the Mansion and Mailbox Row. I was not surprised, because he had said he was leaving at 4:00 to go to the auction. What DID surprise me was the sight of Scarlett and Jack running along behind him!

"Hey! Why are these dogs here?"

"They sometimes follow me in the mornings when I leave. I guess they're doing it again now. They'll follow you home."


Let's not forget that Scarlett ADORES Farmer H. Me, not so much. Farmer H drove on towards Mailbox Row, and I yelled out the window at the dogs.

"SCARLETT! JACK! Come on! Let's go get a TREAT!"

As I started towards home, I saw Scarlett in my mirror, trotting a few steps after SilverRedO which contained the object of her ADORATION. She stopped. Looked over her shoulder at me. Then back towards SilverRedO. By then I was crossing the Great Chasm, the ditch that washes across a hilly curve when we have a heavy rain. I lost sight of Scarlett. I couldn't see my little Jack. I was worried that they were both still headed after Farmer H. I looked out the window, and there was little Jack! He had been running along beside me the whole time. He loves me like an Oscar audience mis-quotedly really loves Sally Field.

Once I got to the top of Farmer H and Buddy's Badly-Blacktopped Hill, and gained some speed, I saw Scarlett rushing up behind me. Those dogs are fast! Farmer H said later that he clocked Scarlett at 25 mph.

Anyhoo... we all arrived home about the same time. The dogs got a petting and their treat. I am quite nervous about this new turn of events. Scarlett has no business running after our cars. She did it to me several days earlier, but just to the end of our second property next to the BARn field. Jack and Copper Jack stayed in our front yard/field as usual, looking after Scarlett like she was crazy.

I suppose the only good part is that if Jack runs with Scarlett, they will eventually return home. UNLESS somebody snatches up Scarlett, because she's a looker, and they have no idea how crazy she is!

If the weather wasn't so chilly, I would have Farmer H get a SuperSoaker water gun, and spray them in the face when they chase after him, while gruffly shouting NO! BAD DOG!

The only other alternative is shock collar training. It broke my little Jack of chasing the neighbor's horses. I think this chasing behavior stems from Farmer H driving SilverRedO over to the BARn, or his Freight Container Garage, and the dogs run along behind him. So they're never quite sure how far he is going when he takes off in SilverRedO.


River said...

I hope the shock collar treatment doesn't become necessary. Chasing and herding are an inbred quality with shepherds, so perhaps retraining may take a little longer since Scarlett still chases Farmer H to the barn and garage. He might have to stop at the property gates each time he leaves and send her "home" for a while.

Hillbilly Mom said...

It was a quality also bred in the heeler half of little Jack, but we couldn't have him chasing the neighbor's horses. It took him about a week to learn from Mr. Shocky. I did it while I was walking up and down the driveway, every time he darted under their fence to chase, while yelling, "JACK! NO!" Pretty soon, just the yell was enough.

I don't know where that shock collar is now. Genius, Friend, and The Pony had great fun trying it out before we used it. Not the kind of fun I was willing to experience! It was meant for small dogs, so I doubt it would fit Scarlett's fluffy neck.

If only stopping and telling Scarlett to go home was as easy as typing it here! She would think he was stopping to give her attention. Just by stopping, it would seem to her that her chasing tactic worked, because the object of her ADORATION quit driving away from her.