Saturday, December 2, 2023

Hazardous Conditions In Hillmomba

I always have to be on my toes while sitting on my ample rumpus driving T-Hoe to town. You never know what hazards you might encounter. Like on Friday, approaching the Gas Station Chicken Store. I was coming from the other direction, returning from School-Turn Town along the back road by the lake. As I rolled down the hill in front of Casey's, approaching the light, something bright caught my eye.

Orange hazard cones! Huh. What in the NOT-HEAVEN? Had there been a car fire? Had a truck lost load? I couldn't turn and get a good look while I was driving. The light was green. So I made my right turn, and another immediate right turn onto the parking lot. 

Hey! There were more orange cones around the gas pumps. Didn't look like a fire had happened. There was also a white utility-type work truck. I didn't read the writing on the side, as I was heading around the pumps to my favorite parking space.

Wait a minute! I had to detour around some orange cones. Once parked, I got a picture:

That's a giant manhole! Technically, it's the cover off one of the underground gas tanks. Not sure how you work on that. I did not consult the spewer of all knowledge, Farmer H. He went to a play at the local junior college to watch The Veteran's daughter in "Meet Me in St. Louis."

I wonder if there was a problem between the tank and one of the gas pumps. Does a repairman have to go down inside the tank??? Surely not. The fumes! The fumes! But why would there be such a big opening? The hose to fill up the tank goes into a smaller hole. No need to remove the giant cover.

Even Mrs. HM could fall into that enormous opening! I'd hate to think of The Pony parking off by the moat, walking the mail inside, thumbing through the envelopes and not paying attention! I will consult Farmer H when he has time out of his busy schedule.


River said...

I would have asked the store people if they knew what was going on. I'm nosy enough.

Hillbilly Mom said...

It was my favorite cashier, but she had a line. Man and Woman Owner were both there. He was stocking shelves, and I thought he might be a bit less than congenial with this problem outside. So I kept my mouth shut.