Saturday, December 9, 2023

Mrs. HM Is Gettin' Snippy With It

Remember  when I was bemoaning the lack of a quality clipper to trim my gal-hooves? Because my silver toenail clipper couldn't open its jaws wide enough to chomp my left pinky-toenail? Well. My replacement has arrived! 

Encased in a case! Isn't that cute? No, it's not illuminated by a ray of light from the not-Not-Heavens. Just the morning [noon:50-ish] light coming in after my breakfast of charred fake honey nut cheerios.

It came with accessories! The picture is deceiving. All pieces fit into that tin. Not sure what the nail file is supposed to hook onto, but I don't file my toenails anyway! That little rubber thingy is a MUZZLE for my clippers, heh, heh. Lest he nip something on the way to his clipping duties. Which he performs with exemplary skill! 

The clippers are not as long as I presumed. About 4-inch handles, barely longer than my other clippers, but they are easy to grip and squeeze. They can't rotate out of position. And those jaws are wide enough for my thick hoofy pinky-toenails.

The trimming was a rousing success. I even lopped off a section of the great-toe nail. The not-so-little piggy who went to market.

There's no brand name, so I can't recommend them. I just found those clippers on Amazon, for under $20. I am quite satisfied with my new gadget.


River said...

They certainly look capable of trimming the toughest of toe nails. The file is for smoothing off rough edges left by the trimmer, but you may not have any.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I know what a nail file is FOR, but not why the clippers came with this one. It has a hole at the end, like it's an attachment for the clippers. But there's nothing to hook it onto. So I'm puzzled. If it had come with a nail file with a regular handle, I'd just think of it as a bonus, and not try to figure out if I should attach it to the clippers.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

Wow, those look sturdy. They look like they could cut the dog claws with no problem .... if only the dogs would succumb and let me cut. Eddie will, but Toni has a spastic fit and Bo snarls and screams.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I love them! They could probably cut a design along the edge of Dora's shell!