Thursday, December 28, 2023

No Tales Today

Mrs. HM is a bit under the weather with a cold, and not feeling particularly humorous today. The stack of five bills will take precedence when my eyes agree to not water, and allow  me to focus.

It has been one day since my symptoms appeared. I am counting down nine more, since a cold spans 7-10 days. I am erring on the side of caution, though I might feel better in six.

Do not jump to conclusions if I am absent here for a little while. I'll try to put out minimal stories on my not-so-secret blog.


Nursejoan said...

Hope you shake this PDQ! Happy New Year.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Thank you, and Happy New Year to you as well. I am swilling down water, napping, and eating an occasional dry and crumbly item as they appeal to me. So far, it has been the Snickerdoodle cookies that Genius made. My stomach is rebelling at the thought of the Christmas leftovers.

River said...

I am so sorry to hear this. Plenty of rest and fluids, plenty of naps and take care. It might cheer you to know I won $68.90 on the Thursday night lotto draw. A little short of the $20m, but I'm thankful for it.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I have been sipping our sweet, sweet well water from my metal water bottle, with ice crescents from FRIG II's freezer. Nodding off on the short couch as I feel like it. Moving slowly so as not to start huffing and puffing from the congestion.

That DOES cheer me to hear of your win! I have not bought scratchers since last Saturday, or possibly Friday. Too busy with Christmas dinner prep. Then no time before our casino trip. And now I don't feel like getting out in the cold or spreading my sickness.