Wednesday, December 20, 2023

I Told You So. Sort Of.

Mere seconds after that tailgating white pickup truck made a turn and was no longer following me, I saw the aftermath of what havoc today's terrible drivers can wreak.

I was stopped at the light near the Devil's Playground. I looked up to my right, to see if that white pickup truck might have tried a shortcut, having been in such a hurry before I pretend-snapped his photo. I didn't see HIM, but I saw this:

Way up there, past the two poles. An accident had just happened.

Are you starting to see it? Lots of debris in the road.

There's one of the drivers just getting out. Hope he doesn't have neck or back pain!

I presume the car with the driver out was trying to cross over from the Walgreens parking lot that's out of sight to the left of the picture. And the car hidden behind the van was coming out of the Devil's Playground/Pizza Hut area, trying to come down towards the light. It's a hard area to get onto the road. Gotta watch for traffic coming both ways, and also from across the road.

It doesn't help that drivers these days are sorely lacking in common sense, and think THEY always have the right-of-way.


River said...

And right before Christmas too, when cash is already stretched to the limit so car repairs will have to be duct tape and cross your fingers Mabel. I hope no one was hurt.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I would guess that nobody was seriously hurt, because they couldn't have been going very fast, each having just accelerated from being stationary, waiting to pull out. Also, the car bumpers and hood transferred a lot of the force, thus the breaking and the denting. (Says the ex physics teacher!)

Kathy's Klothesline said...

There are a lot of people on the road who should not be driving! Having lived in your state, I can say that duct tape will be the choice of a lot of the drivers!

Hillbilly Mom said...

I can totally see that! In fact, I might have literally seen it within the last month.