Thursday, April 18, 2024

Don't Show, Don't Tell

The Pony is really having a hard time dealing with his second dog bite on the job. The physical damage has healed, but The Pony is apprehensive about a future attack. It will obviously take time to process the trauma. Hopefully, he will be able to move forward.

Farmer H got The Pony a gadget to carry along in his satchel. The Pony has the standard-issue dog spray that all new hires get in their packet of equipment. Some carriers say it's not as effective as they'd like. And profess that they carry bear spray. Or an air horn, which startles the dog away before it's close enough to bite. Of course, that's assuming you SEE it coming, unlike The Pony's second biter.

Anyhoo... this gadget is a little camouflage flashlight. When you look at it. But when you push the lever, it's a taser. Doesn't shoot out anything except a bit of blue squiggly lights, and emits an electrical zapping kind of noise. It is, indeed, a taser if it comes in contact with an attacker. 

Anyhoo... on our morning call Monday, The Pony said he had it in his satchel, and was going to ask a manager about using it.

"I wouldn't. They might tell you it's not allowed. Then if you used it, you would be in trouble for insubordination. Better to have it, hope not to use it, and apologize after the fact. I hardly think you'd be in serious trouble for defending yourself while being bitten. Maybe a reprimand or suspension for a couple days at most."

The Pony didn't say anything to that. I don't know if he mentioned his new gadget or not. But he DID give it a test run at the house where dogs rush the fence, gnashing their teeth and barking when he goes by.

"It's the house where one jumped over the fence one day, but ran off before I got there. This thing works! When it made that noise, they shut up and backed away from the fence. They didn't like the sound."

"Good. So you know it can be effective. It's not like you're chasing down dogs and jabbing them with it. Noise won't hurt anyone. Nothing for the owners to complain about."

I hope this gadget will give The Pony a little peace of mind for now. He is seeing a therapist about the issue, with hopes that it will help.


River said...

I hope The Pony gets enough peace of mind to put the trauma behind him without having to taser any dogs. Sounds like a handy little gadget though.

Hillbilly Mom said...

The Pony has no plans to taser any dogs. Unless their teeth are in him! He WILL turn it on if they approach, so hopefully that crackling electrical sound will keep them at bay.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

I was telling my nephew about the POny and his dog bites. He has been bitten, as well. He is in a car, but has to get out if a package is too big for the mailbox. He let the owner know that he would not be delivering ANY mail to them if they could not control their dog and his manager backed him up. I think there should be consequences for a dog bite! I am glad he zapper noise is keeping the dogs at bay! Getting bit is traumatic!

Hillbilly Mom said...

The Pony had another incident on Tuesday. I think the police should enforce the leash law. Fine those scofflaws the first time, and take away their dog the second incident, or jail the owners!!! Postal workers are not their chew toys!