Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Farmer H, The Provider

Farmer H showed up shortly after noon on Monday. I can't say that I was overjoyed. I was on the short couch, watching a movie, when I heard the dogs barking. Then I saw SilverRedO coming down the driveway.

"Why are you here in the middle of the day?"

"I brought home some macaroni that will go good with the sausage I grill tonight. And I'm going to unload some junk from the truck and burn it, so I can get some stuff to work on the beauty shop tomorrow."

Well. You know how Farmer H operates. I didn't know if he had a little dish of macaroni, or two giant containers, like with the previous ham salad. When I checked later, it was a small styrofoam dessert container that he had put in FRIG II. I didn't bother to look inside. I know what macaroni and cheese looks like.

Imagine my surprise, when Farmer H was going outside later with the meat, to hear him say,

"That macaroni is good cold."

"Wait. Macaroni and cheese COLD?"

"It's made to eat that way."

"What? Is it macaroni SALAD?"

"Yeah. That's it. Macaroni salad. You eat it cold."

That was a surprise. If only Farmer H had mentioned that detail earlier. I'm not a big fan of macaroni salad, so I told him to have what he wanted. I tried a couple spoons of it. Not too bad. There's still some left for Farmer H to have with leftovers.


River said...

We call it pasta salad and depending on who makes it it can be really good or "don't go anywhere near that!"

Hillbilly Mom said...

Sometimes we call it that. But when I hear "pasta salad," I think of the kind made with spiral noodles, and not the elbow macaroni noodles.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

We love pasta salad! I put chopped apples in mine, a way to get eruit into HeWho thinks fruit comes only in pies!

Hillbilly Mom said...

I've never made it, and rarely eat it. Not sure if apples would entice or dissuade me.