Monday, April 8, 2024

Special Occasion, Special Meal

The total eclipse is coming! In fact, it will be here on the day this post hits the innernets. Farmer H will be having a special meal at the Senior Center. According to their monthly menu, his lunch will include:

Saturn Sandwiches (Ham Salad)
Solar Salad (Spinach Salad)
Space Soup (Cheesy Broccoli)
Eclipse Cake OR Fruit

What makes these food items eclipse-worthy, I don't know. It's easy enough to slap a name on dish, without it actually having any connection/connotation to a space event.

Anyhoo... Farmer H says they will have lunch as usual, then hang around to view the total solar eclipse. The Senior Center has viewing glasses for the attendees. The totality is supposed to start around 1:52 or 1: 58 Central Daylight Time. Depending on which source you trust.

Anyhoo... they will be going outside the Senior Center to the sidewalk to watch. Farmer H says they will have chairs for the seniors.

I will be watching from the back porch of the Mansion, petting my fleabags. 


River said...

I'm hoping to see a bit of it on the TV news. That will be enough for me.

Hillbilly Mom said...

It was all over TV, but I only clicked by and didn't watch their coverage. You know, having the real thing on my back porch.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

We got pretty much nothing here on the mountain, just overcast for about 20 minutes.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Maybe next time, in 2045!