Wednesday, October 16, 2024

A Sudden Moment Of Clarity

I remembered! A mere 24 hours after I forgot my blogging topic, it was back! Not with all the details, but the general idea. I count that a victory for the steel-trap mind of Mrs. HM.

On my way to town Monday, I stopped as usual to put on my seatbelt at the end of our gravel road, just before pulling out onto the county blacktop road. That seatbelting spot is right across from Mailbox Row. One second I was slowing down, reaching for that seatbelt, and the next second my eye was drawn to the top of Mailbox Row, where sat a new mailbox.

That's it! That's what I was going to mention in my forgotten blog post! The "new" mailbox that had stunned Farmer H, The Pony, and me way back in February when we first saw it. I even wrote about it on my not-so-secret blog, on February 23.

The gist of that previous tale was that a new mailbox doesn't last long out here in the middle of nowhere. As I said back then, "The hopefulness of it makes my heart hurt."

BUT IT'S STILL THERE! Unblemished. Not a scratch. Perched atop Mailbox Row like a glittery unicorn with a protective force-field.

When I brought The Pony out to the Mansion last Sunday for our album-release listening party, I pointed out that mailbox.

"Can you believe it? How can that mailbox have survived all this time?"

The Pony, perhaps with mail-delivery insight, said, "I'm betting it belongs to the people who were bashing mailboxes."

Choose what you wish to believe in. Magic. Divine intervention. Criminals not crapping in their own backyard. Or in this case, their own mailbox.


River said...

The Pony has a valid point, no one wants to be trashing their own mailbox. Are the others still getting trashed?

Hillbilly Mom said...

There was one down the road a couple months ago, but none of ours, as far as I can tell. My explanation to The Pony had been that the mailbox smashers must have graduated from high school, and moved away.