Friday, October 11, 2024

Farmer H's Feud Update

You may recall that the atmosphere around Farmer H and his former best friend at the Senior Center has been quite frosty lately. Neither is willing to talk it out adultly, or concede that they may have been responsible for whatever imaginary or real transgression occurred.

I've told Farmer H that he's being petty about this. He says he has tried to start a discussion. Yet whenever a tale of interaction with his new nemesis is told, Farmer H speaks in a mocking, sing-song-y voice. So it's obvious he's not open to a real dialogue, or even forgiveness if it turns out New Nemesis was at fault.

This week, Farmer H only ate once or twice at the Senior Center. He said his other buddy there said there have been numerous complaints about New Nemesis. Again, I'm hearing this second-hand, through Farmer H's filter. So I don't know the actual situation.

A couple days ago, Farmer H said that his buddy revealed that there were going to be changes, due to complaints. That New Nemesis would be doing other assignments rather than at the counter (or something like that) because that was the area with most complaints. 

Yesterday, Farmer H said that New Nemesis gave a short speech to the elderlies at lunch. That she had been offered another job, and would not be doing her job as it currently was at the Senior Center. And that bingo would be more often, and cost $5 to play! I asked Farmer H if he thought this was accurate, and he said he didn't think so.

"How could they charge you elderlies $5 to play bingo??? Aren't the prizes donated? It's not like the prizes are worth $5, even if you win!"

"I know. That don't make sense. She said somethin' about having a corporate sponsor each week for the bingo. So maybe they would be giving the prizes. But I don't know why we'd have to pay to win donated prizes."

"How can the elderlies afford to play bingo at that price? Isn't it meant as an activity for them? I can't imagine they can pay to play. Are they just supposed to sit and watch others play?"

"Most of them people that live upstairs didn't have any idea what she was telling them."

It's sad that such a situation has developed. I don't know what's going on with New Nemesis. She and Farmer H were such good buddies for quite a while. I'm sure he will get the blame for whatever changes come about. At least in HER mind. 


River said...

Possibly the $5 is to cover the cost of lunches? Or perhaps the prizes will no longer be donated and have to be paid for. I can see a lot of them skipping the bingo days.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I don't think so. Hick always pays $5 for his lunch. People calling for carry-outs have to pay $5. I think maybe the only people who don't pay are those elderlies who live upstairs. It might be part of their deal to live there.

I wouldn't pay $5 for a chance to win any of the prizes they have given out for bingo! Again, Farmer H said a lot of this info didn't sound right to him, other than Arch Nemesis going to have different duties there, which he heard from the person who assigns them.