Monday, October 14, 2024

The Mind Is The First To Go, And Mrs. HM's Has Done Gone

I usually write up my two blog posts before I go to town, and set them to publish the next morning. Sometimes if I'm running late, one or both might not get done until that evening. Sunday, my main blog post was ready, but I didn't have a topic for this one. I figured something might happen in town that was complainable blogworthy.

As I started down the gravel road for town, an idea popped into my head. By the time I was at the low water bridge on the county blacktop road, it had grown into a complete blog post. I knew what I was going to say. Could see parts of actual sentences in my head. I still remember specific sections of the road where I was making certain points.

I CAN'T remember my topic.

It's gone! Gone with the drive to town! I've mentally re-traced my steps. From shower to putting on shoes to gathering up my purse to going into the garage to driving along composing that blog post.

I got nothin'.

Of course it would have been the most amusing and pertinent story ever told! The world shall be a lesser place with the loss of Mrs. HM's masterpiece.

I rue the day I stopped taking my little flip notebook with me in my purse. I could have pulled over and jotted down the topic, at least. Thing is... you never think you're going to forget.


Pudge450 said...

Like a dream. You wake up and everything is so vivid. 30 minutes later, you can’t even remember what it was about.

I don’t have a blog, but think I may start one someday. So I keep a little diary of topics I may blog about if ever I do.

Hillbilly Mom said...

You ain't a-woofin'! I'm always sure I'll remember my dreams, but within minutes they are gone. Mostly. The other night The Pony sent me a text that woke me, and I remembered that one to tell him about it. I was supposed to drive a big freighter ship, hired by Captain Lee off of "Below Deck." He had me confused with someone else. I was just reaching into some dip provided by the chef when I awoke. Dang it, Pony! I didn't even get a taste!

A blog is easy, once you pick a template and set it up. Even I could do it, heh, heh, and I'm a technology simpleton. You have the hard part done: the topics!

River said...

As long as you're not at the stage where you walk into a room and wonder what the heck you wanted in there, you're probably good for a few more years. (decades?)
I've had a few dreams that were so clear I remembered them exactly for at least a week, it's been years now and I still remember bits of them, they were happy dreams.
But just watch me trying to remember the name of that plant in my garden that I see everyday!

Hillbilly Mom said...

Today I remembered that topic! So maybe my mind isn't gone... it just took a 24-hour vacation!

I remember dreams with my mom in them. And a horrifying one from many years ago, where I was a killer!