Sunday, March 16, 2025

A New Kind Of Hillmomba Magnet

I came out of 10Box on Tuesday, pushing a cart with five bags and two 12-packs of Best Choice Diet Cola, because they were out of my desired Shasta. Lucky for me, I had the closest handicap space, so not far to go with that cart I'd had to take from the line in the outside cart return. Darn that Do-Gooder who so kindly returned the cart that had been parked directly in front of T-Hoe, just waiting for me!

Those carts were still waiting to be corralled inside. Three lines of them beside T-Hoe. I'd have to be careful when I backed out, because people LOVE to walk right into his rolling path. The magnetic pull of those waiting carts would bring even more Do-Gooders that way.

I noticed a man lurking beside the carts. Hmm. He LOOKED okay. But it was a little creepy. I only had two bags left to stow away when he walked over.

"I can take that cart for you. I know it's only a few steps, but I don't mind."

"Oh. Thank you SO MUCH! My knees are really sore today. Every step helps."

"I've lost the use of my legs twice over the last few years. So I completely understand."

"I'm glad you're getting around now. Thank you."

"God bless you, Ma'am."

That Guy took my cart an proceeded into the store.

Well. Maybe I am part of some grand experiment in the Greater Hillmomba area, where people see if I'm a grouch, or if I appreciate kindness. Maybe I am serving a greater purpose, allowing people to collect good karma for previous wrongs.

I don't know what plan The Universe has for me. Right now I seem to be a Kindness Magnet.

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