Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Missing The Pony

All day Sunday, I kept meaning to send The Pony info on the sale of the QuickFlip House, to have for filing taxes. The Pony also got a check at closing last year, and needs his half of the amount we spent on renovations to include against the profit. I never did get around to it.

Farmer H came home from his SUS2, and said

"I tried to call The Pony, but the line was busy. Every Sunday on my way home, I call and talk. But I couldn't get through."

"Line busy? Does that happen with a cell phone? I can't imagine The Pony talking to anybody. It wasn't me. He doesn't like to talk on the phone. Even to order things. He does it online. And goes by the doctor's office, rather than calling. His generation is like that."

"Huh. This is The Pony now. He messaged me. Said he's not ignoring me, but that his phone has been acting weird today. It won't make or get calls. And it won't get texts. It keeps saying "NO SIM CARD." I guess he sent me this on his computer. He says he'll keep trying to fix it, but he might have to wait until Wednesday and take it to the phone store down in Bill-Paying Town."

Well. At least I knew that I probably couldn't call The Pony on Monday morning at 6:00. 
I tried. Went straight to voice mail. I told Farmer H.

"How did you get a busy signal? Mine just went straight to voice mail."

"Oh. Yeah. That's what mine did when I tried to call."

Poor Pony. He uses his phone all day during work. At least he has the work scanner to communicate with the office, I suppose. I don't know the details. He sent Farmer H another message around 6:10, saying that if he was still home, to tell me not to worry, that he was up and getting ready for work.

I don't like being out of touch with The Pony.


River said...

It's possible The Pony's phone got bumped or dropped and the SIM card is just a bit dislodged. All he has to do is open the back remove the battery and SIM then reinsert them and the phone should be good.

Hillbilly Mom said...

The Pony tried that. Multiple times, giving it a rest for 30-60 minutes to recover. He said that tactic has worked before, but not this time. How do I know? That is the next post!