Monday, March 24, 2025

Something Triggers Nightmarish Couch Dreams For Mrs. HM

What in the Not-Heaven? I nodded off Sunday morning after Farmer H left for his SUS2 business. I was sitting on the short couch. I'd already been up and taken my thyroid medicine. Looks like my NP did indeed lower the prescription with my refill request. I'm not sure if that's what sent me into Nightmarish Land, or something totally unrelated. No food or drink since the night before.

First of all, I was a senior on a school trip. We were put into groups randomly, and assigned different cars to ride in. My assignment was the back of a motorcycle! With a daredevil blond gal driving! And she was doing wheelies on the highway!

Next, I was teaching in a classroom. A classroom with tables instead of desks, in a U shape. Two boys at the back left kept putting their heads together. I knew them! Old students of mine who were not very compliant. They were both wearing hoodies. Two boys on the front right kept talking over me. The Hoodies would snicker about something private, and then a cloud of smoke puffed out around their heads! I was pretty irritated, and hollered at the group to shut up, and I used the word friggin'. Which I figured would surely get me fired.

From there, I went into a bar. Only one other customer: a Hoodie kid. Behind the bar, tending, was an old colleague of whom I was not too fond. She greeted me politely, and I realized they were having a trivia contest, which I really love playing. I momentarily thought of staying, burying the hatchet with Hoodie, but then decided, aw Not-Heaven no! So I left.

Once outside, I had help hailing a cab from a tall Slender Man character dressed like Uncle Sam. I set my purse down to get into the back seat, assisted by Uncle Sam. When I turned to reach for my purse, it was gone! There was a family of three, with a little girl about ten. I could see a bulge under her coat. "You took my purse, didn't you! Give it back!" She shook her head, but my purse fell out. Her dad picked it up to hand to me, saying "It's all cracked anyway." Then I saw The Pony standing there on the curb waiting to get in. He just shrugged his shoulders, like he hadn't been watching my purse.

And that's it! Not a lot of terror, but the stuff nightmares are made of. I had a real nightmare a couple nights ago. I was standing high up on a little platform jutting out from an old rock wall. Below was a flat Olympic-size pool of water, but it was inside in a courtyard. A big crowd was looking up. Other people started jumping from their platform into the water. I was afraid. I hate heights and water. I threw off the performance. They were giving me a three-minute countdown to jump. I thought the water wasn't deep enough. I jumped, but then was immediately "backstage" looking for my fancy ball gown. I kept getting turned away from every room. Like they were stalling, and not giving me my dress, because they were firing me from my job due to not jumping. The worst part? I was following Megan Markle around, and she was beautiful and kind! That is NOT how I think of Megan Markle! I think she's a scammer who told lies about the royal family, and I question whether her kids are even real!

Anyhoo... be glad you're not living inside Mrs. HM's twisted head!


River said...

Her kids are real enough, but I don't like her either. Your dream was very weird, I hope you don't have those too often.

Hillbilly Mom said...

For the first year and a little more, I believed the first kid was real. There were pictures of the same baby. But then there were pictures of her carrying a doll at the polo match. It didn't move the whole time. Then she quit showing the kid's face. Now there seem to be different hair colors on the kids, depending on which picture of their back you get to see. Sometimes their size doesn't seem right if you compare them, or compare their previous "recent" pictures. Something is fishy! I also don't think George Clooney's twins are real. As in really his kids. Maybe actors or models. They are rarely seen. And along with MM, the stories they tell about their kids don't seem age-appropriate. It's one of the conspiracies I follow!!!