Friday, March 14, 2025

Pupsie, Caught In The Act

When I left for town Wednesday afternoon, Pupsie and Jack came to greet me. They've really been staying close to home, now that (sad face) Scarlett is gone. Of course, the fact that I take a scrap of bread to toss them might have some bearing on their excitement to see me off.

I was standing at the bottom of the steps, petting Jack, when figured I might be able to get a picture of Pupsie. She's quite curious, romping around, poking her head close, but not letting me pet her. I AM allowed to extend the back of my hand for her to sniff, before she dashes away.

Here's Pupsie, posed beside Farmer H's ceramic Irish Setter. She knocks it over regularly while romping, and it might have some chew marks like his Scottie Dog at the other end of the porch. Pupsie feels safe in this space. Sure I can't capture her. She's looking at Jack getting petted, wondering, "What in the Not-Heaven makes you allow THAT?"

Pupsie doesn't look so large in these pictures, but she is definitely taller than Scarlett now.

She's alert, interested. Her tail won't quit wagging. I think Pupsie WANTS to be petted, but won't allow herself to be vulnerable. She used to slink around, tail clamped to her rumpus, not making eye contact.

Oh, my. What big feet you have, Pupsie! Her fur is not as short, nor soft, as I would imagine a Short-Haired German Pointer's to be. But her markings remind me of that. She has a bit of a short ruff across her shoulders. Her spotted, coarse chest fur actually reminds me of Jack's heeler heritage. And the white/black overall pattern of a Border Collie. 

As I was getting ready to leave, Pupsie ran around to stand beside Jack. And of course snoop into my purse. It's not like there was any food inside. She's just nosy. And apparently, 


Pupsie is taking my winning scratchers out of my purse! I only saw it through the phone screen as I was snapping the picture! Little Jack is trying to discourage her, I'm sure... nosing her away from momma's fortune! That 7s ticket was a $77 winner. Plus the other assortment. 


Made her give me the side-eye and scurry away without the tickets. That little rascal!

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