Earlier this week, I was happy to get the closest handicap parking space at 10Box. I was also thrilled to see a shopping cart somebody had left by the door. So convenient for me, rather than going inside to find one, because the cart corral in there is not very near the entrance. You have to go past several vending machines and the hallway to the bathrooms. Can't just step in and grab a cart, like in the Devil's Playground, or most other stores.
As I was putting my phone in my purse, and taking my glasses out of the case to put them on top of my head, I saw an older woman in T-Hoe's side mirror pushing a cart towards the door. Good for her, bringing her cart back. She entered my peripheral vision, and I watched, SHOCKED, as
The Universe mocks me! Mock, mock, mock! That cart was so close I could taste it! Well. You know what I mean. I wouldn't LITERALLY taste a shopping cart. But I had planned on taking that cart. It would have been SO convenient. Now I had to hobble inside, all the way to the cart corral. But wait!
Rather than seeking a cart inside, I instead hobbled around T-Hoe's rear, to three rows of waiting carts that had not yet been corralled inside. I pulled one of them loose, and went back around T-Hoe's rear toward the entrance.
The Good Deeder came out the door, headed back to her car. Little did she know how much she had NOT-HELPED me! People who walk on two good legs don't consider such scenarios. Those who don't walk on two good legs fully understand.
A tale we shall get to tomorrow...
Oh, I would have yelled to her, "please leave that cart for me as I need something to hold on to", I really would have. Just like that one time I yelled "hold that bus!!" as I madly ran for it. These days I just sigh and wait for the next one.
I am glad for you though, thta there were more carts available behind T-Hoe.
I doubt I would have called to her, but it happened so fast I didn't have to decide. I thought she was just going to take her own cart inside, like maybe she was going to shop. But no, she had to grab the one I wanted, and then came right back out. I'm sure she did a favor for the worker in charge of the carts. But it was no help to ME!!! At least I was beside the carts that had not yet been corralled inside.
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