"Oh, great. Now I can't even flush. I'll save it for when I REALLY need it! Now I won't even be able to see."
"It's still light out. You can leave the door open."
"I'm NOT leaving the door open! My little flashlight is in here. Wait! It's NOT here! Where's my little red flashlight? I swear, I left it in here since the last time the power was out."
"There's this big red flashlight out here on the table."
"No! Not that one. It's huge and heavy!"
"Well, it looks pretty dim anyway. It won't last long."
"That's because you never check the batteries. That one probably takes four of the big ones."
Anyhoo... I closed the bathroom door. It's a small bathroom, between the boys' bedrooms. Not like I could get lost. I know where everything is. My business in there was simple.
When I got back the kitchen table, still with natural light coming in through the windows, with which to navigate... I saw my little red flashlight at the end of the table, behind Farmer H's Route 66 fake gas pump keyholder thingy, which he has never bothered to put anywhere else.
"Found my little red flashlight! So now I can take it with me."
This was not actually the little red flashlight that I was thinking about. The other was a bit fatter. It was part of a six-pack of mini flashlights that I got several years ago, to give at Christmas in everyone's stocking. A red and green were left. The green one is probably still down in my dark basement lair. I'll figure out where the original red one is one of these days, when I least expect it. Anyhoo... these are LED lights. They are handy in a power outage. This particular one came from our credit union, so I suspect it was a giveaway at the annual dinner one year.
Luckily, our power came back on within an hour. The next time I made a trip to the bathroom, I had regular light. That's when I looked at the sink, and saw:
A flashlight had been there all along! Just not the flashlight I'd been looking for.
Sometimes, Mrs. HM is a bit of an idiot. And not the savant kind.
I can relate! When our power fails, I bring in some solar lights from the garden. Not as bright as the flashlight, but at least you can see where you are going and I don't have to worry about batteries.
I don't think you're an idiot, that flashlight is black and not easily seen in a blackout. and who put it there I wonder? Maybe the same someone who took your little red one? I have two of those little red ones myself, one in the living room and one on the bedside chest. I used to have a gold one in the bathroom, but it died and even new batteries didn't help.
We have some kind of little square plug-in thingy that is supposed to discourage mice or insects or something. They are probably 20 years old, but hold a charge and emit light when the power goes out. Farmer H was going to unplug the one on the basement stairs, and put it in the bathroom for me. I thought it was more important on the stairs!
Thanks for enabling my continued idiocy! I do believe that I'M the one who put that flashlight in there, after our last power outage!
I love those little flashlights. I might need to look for some more. They are handy to keep in several rooms, in case it's full dark when the power goes off. We used to light candles, but the smell chokes me now.
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