Saturday I headed into 10Box to get my crossword scratchers. There were two guys at the lottery machines. They looked like early 20s. One had on an employee shirt. His back was to me while he stood at the little stand that holds lottery stuff like forms to fill out and scan to select draw ticket numbers. He blocked my way to get to the right-side machine, because there's a big pole behind him, supporting the roof.
The other guy was using the left-side machine. He blocked the straight-across path to get to the right-side machine. So I stood there to wait. He was getting 10 one-dollar tickets, taking his time. That's his right. He was there first.
Along comes one of the manager gals who usually talks to me, from out of the service desk. She spoke to them, asking if they had any luck. It seemed like maybe they had a little contest going. Like who can play the longest, or win the most, on a certain amount.
Sweet Gummi Mary! Manager Gal walked right up to the left-side machine as Other Guy turned to move. Um. I WAS CLEARLY WAITING FOR MY TURN! I didn't say anything. She's always been nice to me. I didn't want to show my rumpus and then be reluctant to show my face in there for a while. So I kept waiting.
Other Guy went to stand at the side of that lottery stand. Completely blocking the front of the right-side machine. So I just had to wait until Manager Gal was done. Which I did. But then I wanted a crossword out of the right-side machine, so had to wait as Other Guy turned around and scanned his tickets he'd just scratched.
Is it wrong of me to be happy that he had losers? Because that meant he was DONE, and couldn't buy any more, and had no reason to continue blocking that machine!
I usually don't wish loss on ANY gambler. Except maybe the RumpusHole Handicap Parker. But my knees got all stiffened up while standing there without a cart/walker to lean on. At least I kept my mouth shut.
Again, the two guys were there ahead of me. My issue is with them using up space to scratch their tickets in front of the machines. And with Manager Gal cutting in front of me.
Mrs. HM is growing grumpy in her old age...
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