Friday, October 20, 2017

The Pony Is A Lucky Dog

With Halloween on the horizon, I figured it was time to send The Pony another care package. He's in San Francisco right now, at an engineering conference, due to return on Monday. I guess he'll remember to check his mail next week. Sometimes I have to remind him. Sweet Gummi Mary, you'd think my weekly letters would mean more to him!

He's getting assorted Halloween candy, some microwave Movie Theater Butter popcorn, Famous Amos cookies, some gummi bears, and a couple of Pop Tarts. Also three containers of Chex Mix. You can see one of them peeping through between the Soft Batch cookies. He used to get them at Save A Lot when I made him go in with me, rather than sitting in the back passenger seat of T-Hoe.

I figure this whole stash will last him about a week! Maybe two. He DID say he shared the last box with his neighbor in the apartment across the hall, and that she likes the same parts of the Chex Mix as he does. That means they had a bunch of Cheerios left in the bottom.

The card reminded me of Jack, so I had to get it. Inside, it says "Happy Halloween. This is the corniest card I could find."

No, Genius is not getting a Halloween care package. It's hard to mail beer.


River said...

Yes, it is hard to mail beer, but can you arrange with a place in whichever town he is living to deliver him some? Like Interflora delivers flowers, pay at your end, he gets the goods at his end.
That's a nice 'care package' for The Pony.

Sioux Roslawski said...

I'm sure Genius would appreciate something green, rectangular and flat.

Anonymous said...

Re Sioux' comment--It's ALWAYS the right size, but he might prefer it larger!!

Hillbilly Mom said...

No, but that sounds like a great idea for a business! Especially in a college town. It would be a public service, really, because drunks wouldn't have to go on a beer run when they run out!

Yes. But he DOES get two lottery tickets a week, which The Pony does not. I could probably send Farmer H on a mission next week to deliver Genius the remainders of that candy stash before Farmer H sneak-eats it. Even though he'd probably eat some on the way, it would be less than the whole stockpile.

Or I could just send Farmer H to college town and tell him to buy Genius some beer.

Genius is actually good with a buck. He has calculated the remainder of his college fund so that when he graduates in December, he will still have enough for three months rent. I'm pretty sure his new job at Garmin will start after the first of the year. So he will have enough to rent an apartment and get some furnishings and live until his first check.