Thursday, October 24, 2019

Hot Biggedy Dog

We took T-Hoe back to Mick the Mechanic's shop on Tuesday, to get his side mirror replaced. Farmer H picked me up in SilverRedO. On the way home, I said,

"I saw that there's supposedly a recipe on the internet for corn muffins with HOT DOGS in them. Like a corn dog, I guess."

"That sounds good."

"When I make more corn muffins for our leftover beans, I'll make some hot dog corn muffins, too. I wonder if I should put in one hot dog per muffin..."

"HM. A whole hot dog will be longer than a corn muffin. It won't fit."

"Uhhh...I was planning to cut the hot dogs into pieces."

"Oh. I guess that would work."

SWEET GUMMI MARY! Why would I put a long hot dog in a round corn muffin and expect it to fit? And Sweeter Gummily Maryly, who would think that's the way to make a hot dog corn muffin?


River said...

Laughed my head off I did, 'scuse me while I screw it back on.
Doesn't cook does he?

Kathy's Klothesline said...

I hear things like that all the time. HeWho would ponder that situation. We had a long and stupid conversation about surrogate mothers just tonight. He is convinced that the surrogate passes along some genetic material to the embryo that is inserted into the womb of the surrogate. Took me awhile to convince him that this was not true and made no sense at all. I finally nailed it when I told him that the crib the baby slept in did not alter the genetic make-up of the baby. One day I will quite literally pull all my hair out!

Hillbilly Mom said...

Sorry about your head loss! I have no idea where Farmer H's head is at sometimes.

At least you finally got through to him. Farmer H gets a notion, and you can't sway his opinion if you explain it seven ways to Sunday!