Monday, October 21, 2019

The Neck Bone's Connected To The Treat Zone

Sunday, I brewed a big cauldron of beans, with some leftover ham. I also bought neck bones for added flavor. Lest you ASSUME, like my sister the ex-mayor's wife did last time...these were PORK neck bones, smoked. Not CHICKEN neck bones.

Anyhoo...I wish I'd taken a picture. After two hours of simmering, the Mansion smelled delicious, and the meat was ready to be pulled off the neck bones. A lot still remained on the bones. I let them cool while I went to town.

When I returned, I had those dogs all hyped up. "Do you want a TREAT from the house?" They know what THAT means! Something good, not just the dry cat kibble, which is a SNACK. My Sweet, Sweet Juno gets all excited, dropping down on her front legs, and springing back up, prancing, hopping over Jack, who has the nerve to get in her way. Jack starts wagging his whole long body, smiling. Yes. I might be a little obsessed with my fleabag friends.

By the time I got the kitchen door unlocked and set down my magical elixir, Copper Jack had joined the treatees.

Juno got the best neck bone. It was a long flat piece, about 6-8 inches, with cut-off rib-looking attachments. It reminded me of that giant rib rack that gets put on Fred Flintstones's car window in the opening credits. Of course Juno turned tail and dived into her house. Jack got the next-best neck bone, which was oblong, maybe four inches, with lots of meaty gelatiny gristly goodness in the cracks between the little bones. I tossed Copper Jack three smaller bones, not as meaty. Because he doesn't live here, you know. He's a guest, and should appreciate any hospitality shown to him.

I don't know if Copper Jack walked around the porch for a drink, or if Juno was just paranoid. Within five minutes, I heard her menacing snarl. Copper Jack would never try to go into Juno's house and raid her brontosaurus bone. He defers to her bluster. Little Jack had smartly run off the minute he picked up his meaty bone. I imagine he got under the Gator, better to defend his treat. Juno is the only one who would challenge him.

Oh, and the beans were delicious, too. We'll be having them for three or four days.

Got a picture of the beans! Mmm...with onions and sweet banana peppers and corn muffins. Not for the dogs. They already had their treat.


River said...

Mmmm. My own non-mansion also smells delicious right now. I have a beef casserole in the oven. Meal-sized portions destined for the freezer will be doled out as soon as it cools enough.

Sioux Roslawski said...

I've never put peppers in my beans, but it certainly sounds like a delicious addition.

Are you a Jiffy woman?

(I went to a teacher get-together last Friday, and one of them made corn muffins with high-quality hot dogs cut up into them. I haven't eaten a hot dog in years, but I couldn't resist. They were delicious. She said she found a recipe, but I'm sure someone could wing it. If you were trying to sound snooty, you could call them "deconstructed corn dogs.")

I'm glad Juno got the best treat. Being the oldest dog should have some perks...

Hillbilly Mom said...

I can almost smell it from here! My next cool-weather meal is going to be a beef roast, coming up this weekend. Potatoes, carrots, and onions simmering in the juices. And a side of biscuits. We'll eat it for several days, no freezing. I DID freeze some of the beans yesterday. Too many for us to eat in the next couple days.

Of course Jiffy is my BFF! I have some low-quality hot dogs in FRIG II right now. That sounds like a treat for Farmer H, when I make more muffins for the leftover beans. If he doesn't like them (HA HA HA who am I kidding), Juno can have another treat.