Tuesday, November 26, 2019

A Shaming Trilogy, Part 3: I've Got My Eye On You

We had no sooner left the casino on Saturday than I spied, with my little eye, Farmer H rubbing the side of his face next to A-Cad's window.

"Tell me you didn't just RUB YOUR EYE, after touching those slot machines for two hours!"

"Yes. I did."

"So now you'll get sick, and I'll catch it!"

"You are always blaming ME! I think YOU'RE the one bringing sickness home to ME! You were the one around all those kids. And now you don't even get a flu shot!"

"I don't get a flu shot because I'm NOT around all those germ-harboring kids anymore. I'm not around anyone. When I go out, I know not to touch my face until I wash my hands. I know to get away from people who are coughing. You've ALWAYS tried to turn everything around to the other person. You won't accept responsibility for anything!"

"I bet my friend got the flu from her grandkids."

"I bet so too. Especially if they had the nasal mist instead of the shot. They give kids the actual flu, you know. A mild case, to make antibodies. The kids get the attenuated virus. But when the kids come down with their mild case, they're shedding REAL FLU VIRUS. That's why kids who live in homes with people who are immunocompromised can't have the mist."

"Still, you could have brought it home to ME."

"I don't think so. YOU are the one who had the flu one year, in MAY. They did the blood test, and you had it! And then gave it to ME, even though I'd had the flu shot back in October."

"Well. That part is true..."

Baby steps, people. Admitting that he has a problem is the first step.


River said...

What you need to do is catch him on the way out and squirt sanitiser all over his hands. After that he can rub his face as much as he wants I guess. Maybe you should sanitise his face too. or have a fire engine standing by and have them blast those germs away with the water hose (*~*)
Your other option is to wear a face mask until the danger of germ incubation has passed.
Even Steven has been hanging around down here, yesterday I found two five cent coins by the bus stop seat and today, another one. Fifteen extra cents towards the Christmas gift shopping :)

Hillbilly Mom said...

Heh, heh! I like the idea of the water hose! Congrats on your coining! I TOLD Even Steven to get over there!

Sioux Roslawski said...

How about admitting he IS the problem?

Hillbilly Mom said...

I think that step is a little farther down the road.