Sunday, November 17, 2019

We Have Failed A Generation

Hold up there! By using the word WE, I am not taking responsibility! Mrs. Hillbilly Mom has NOT failed a generation. She has made sure her own boys possess this skill. And even seen them use it, on several occasions.


Normally, I assume that these young people just don't care. They're so wrapped up in themselves that they don't even think about holding a door open for the person behind them, or coming at them. Unless they're like that ne'er-do-well who actually pushed the door shut behind him as I was walking up. Or the one who slipped through the door like he was Indiana Jones about to be crushed in the Temple of Doom. I'm pretty sure those two were just being d*cks.

Anyhoo...I'll give credit to the young man at Orb K on Saturday. He tried. Good for him. He was just sadly inept. He lacked the skills.

Orb K has double glass doors. They both open out. You can see people on the other side. I was starting to go out the glass door on the right. This Young Man was starting to come in. He had not yet declared a door. He saw me, and did the oddest thing...

He grabbed both door handles and opened both doors! Like he was the master of a grand palace, opening the doors to his study. Of course this was not conducive to me making an exit. He stood in the middle, holding a door handle in each hand. Which left no room for me to go through the portal, unless I wanted to play limbo under his arm.

"Thank you," I said, my arm on the push bar, stopping one step out the door.

I guess This Young Man realized his predicament, and finally let go of the door handle, allowing me to make my escape.

His heart was in the right place. His technique needs work.


Sioux Roslawski said...

Oh, give him an A for effort. His heart was in the right place. It's just that his arm was not.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

Now, that would have been funny, to limbo under his arm. He would not know what the limbo was either!

Hillbilly Mom said...

I already gave him credit! Now you're demanding an A for him! Next you'll think he needs a trophy.

Good for him that his heart was in the right place, because if up to you, his arm would be amputated and reattached in the RIGHT PLACE for letting old ladies out of double doors. Maybe you'd have it sticking straight up from his shoulder, elbow bending down, giving me room to pass under without limbo-ing...

That's right. He would have thought I was possessed, or some crazy contortionist.

River said...

Definitely an A for effort, for even thinking about opening the door for you. And I'd say this one time has taught him not to open both doors so he'll be more careful next time. maybe so careful he dodges behind a parked car and lets you handle your own door opening so as not to get muddled up wondering which door you'd like opened. those doors should be clearly marked Enter and Exit anyway.

Hillbilly Mom said...

He seemed so flustered, I can imagine him actually hiding behind a car next time. Marking the doors ENTER and EXIT do no good at The Devil's Playground. I'd say 80 percent of the people do the opposite.

That would make a good science project for some kid. The psychology of defying the marked doors. They could sit and tally the number of people who use each door. Then ask WHY the choice was made. In a prefect world, of course. I can't advocate a teen accosting strangers in a store or parking lot these days.