Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Pony Asked For It

As for the clock issue in yesterday's tale (that happened Saturday night/Sunday morning), it was STILL EXACTLY 30 MINUTES OFF when I checked it the next day. I'd left the pictures askew as well, and they were the same. So I DID straighten the two pictures, to see what might develop over the next 24 hours. Also, a new happening happened Monday morning, but that's a couple days down the road, since I have some 'splainin' to do.

The odd happenings here at the Mansion seemed to have settled down a bit. Just an occasional sound of walking upstairs. I hadn't been noticing them as often as I once did. Then I got a text from The Pony on Friday night, October 25. At 10:41 p.m. to be exact.

"Wanna know how me, Bestie, and GalPal just disappointed you?"

"Not sure..."

"Ouija board."

"NOOOOO!!!!!! I'll be terrified all night! Your Dad is still at the auction."

"One of the things was very sarcastic. Well, several were."

"You really shouldn't open that portal."

"One answered 'depends' on a lot of things.
Are you a ghost
On what
Later on...

What do you want opened?
Then what's open?
Is it a physical window in this apartment?

"Now my phone has started roaming, losing its charge fast. I blame your entity. Oh my gosh! I was typing that PORTAL sentence before your transcript about OPEN came through!"

"Then one kept repeating numbers 2 3 1 in that pattern. Answered that it didn't want to tell us what it meant. Then in reply to something (I think another question about the numbers) it said '0 you' as in None of Your Business.

We had two candles blow out during it. One said that it wasn't the reason. Then the Window one just said 'Deal' as in Deal with it."

"I don't know about the numbers. There ARE three of you."

"We thought it was saying how many there were, but it said no when we asked that."

"Now my phone went to black screen as I was reading that last message. Didn't fade out like when it times out. Just went black quickly, no time to read."

"Bestie and GalPal swear they weren't the ones moving it, and I know I wasn't."

"I get enough stuff here without asking for it. I'll be scared witless until Dad gets home."


"Now THAT'S a game you could play: SORRY!"

"This is more fun."

"More dangerous."


One of them just spelled BROKE really weird when we asked its name. Another said 'Dr B' when we asked if it had advice on classes.

Another one, we asked if it knew anything about engineering. It said MATERIALS. 

And that the main building didn't have leaky skylights when they were there."

"I have no advice that will be heeded."

"I mean, you did it once!"

"ONCE. And I was 13. Now I can't get rid of something..."


That ended our little exchange at 11:07 p.m. on Friday. Farmer H came home, and I kind of forgot about it. The next afternoon, The Pony texted me again.

"The ghosts fixed one of my busted lights apparently. Also, Bestie said she tried to move the thing around herself (or hurry it to where she thought it was going) and the thing pushed back sometimes."

"Leave that stuff alone! 
The lights here do weird things. Like my phone just sent that th on its own."

"Mmhmm sure."

Two hours later, The Pony again initiated contact by text.

"Oh yeah! I forget which of the things on the board it was, but one of them said it didn't really want to talk about anything.

When we asked why it was, it just said PASSING THROUGH.

It also said it was from 'Washa' and that no, it wasn't a nice place, and no, here wasn't better."


BUT THERE'S MORE...tomorrow.

I don't mean to make fun, but that is SO The Pony, to ask a perhaps otherworld entity about professors and engineering classes!


River said...

I don't have a clue what any of this means, but I love it and can hardly wait until tomorrow for the rest.

Hillbilly Mom said...

In my opinion, this means that The Pony should quit messing around and trying to attract that kind of energy!