Sweet Gummi Mary! The GALL of some people simply amazes me.
as I was returning from town, I stopped T-Hoe at the top of the hill
that descends to the low water bridge that floods often. It was not
flooded, but I saw a truck approaching from the road on the other side.
It was pretty far away. I had time to get T-Hoe over the one-lane bridge
with no sides before that truck got to it.
is not much room to pass a vehicle on the road past the bridge. This
was a full size gray pickup truck, towing a black closed trailer. You
know the kind. Or maybe you don't. It's wider than a U-Haul trailer. The
kind you can put 4-wheelers in. Or a dune buggy. Or lots of
construction equipment. I didn't want to worry about getting T-Hoe's
wheels off the pavement, or for that trailer to get off and tip over.
There is no shoulder to that road. Just a ditch on each side. So I
waited at the top of the hill, where I had room to pull over across the
end of a driveway.
The gray pickup proceeded over the bridge, and up the curvy hill to pass me.
you believe that? I had gone out of my way to give him the
right-of-way, and he couldn't even lift two fingers off the steering
wheel for the courtesy wave? Not even a courtesy nod!
was that driver thinking? That I was chicken to play chicken with him?
That I was planning a heist on the house at the end of that driveway?
That I'd stopped to pick up a bag of dog food from along the road?
[That's another story.] That I lived at that house, and was parking my
vehicle sideways? Taking in the view?
how being courteous to another driver can result in white-hot rage when
your courtesy is not reciprocated. I hate it when I'm not appreciated
for my magnanimosity...
If I let someone in, and they don't give me a wave, it makes me refuse to let a person in the next time an opportunity comes up.
Rude people have no reason to,
Rude people have no reason to,
Rude people have no reason to live.
You can finish the rest of the lyrics. You're gifted at it.
I don't want no rude people 'round me!
Also, they have rudie-tudie eyes, and rudie-tudie legs...and I'm pretty sure they tell great big lies about GIVING ME A COURTESY WAVE! Not sure of the exactness without consulting my estranged BFF Google, but that's the gist of it. Not one of my favorites.
Courtesy waves are very much a thing if the past and very few people do it these days. An older or elderly man might have given you the wave, but anyone under 40 probably doesn't even know about it. I've just given you one from behind my screen here, hope it helps.
Aww...THANK YOU! This guy looked over 40. Maybe he was just an entitled butthead.
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