Monday, April 22, 2024

Farmer H Is The New Lou Grant

Mrs. HM is a little perturbed with Farmer H. Heh, heh. AS IF that's a surprise to anyone. Well. Maybe the "a little" part. 

Friday evening Farmer H grilled pork steaks and sausages. I made baked beans. Of course Farmer H doesn't like canned baked beans. He must have them actually baked. That gets rid of the "juice," you know. And I add diced onion, and some BBQ sauce, and mustard, and steak sauce. They're tasty beans.

Anyhoo... on Friday night, Farmer H ate an entire pork steak, and a sausage. He wrapped up two sausages for his lunch at his SUS2 (Storage Unit Store 2) on Saturday and Sunday. Then he ate two more sausages for his supper on Saturday. So... out of the six sausages, I got ONE.

Don't you worry about Mrs. HM. I didn't starve. I had most of my pork steak on Friday night, and the rest on Saturday night with the sausage. I had a ramekin of baked beans on Saturday. The rest of the beans (baked with onions and condiments) were left for Farmer H. That's fine. I didn't want a lot of beans.

Sunday, Farmer H planned to grill the other two pork steaks, and another six sausages. I said I'd make some potatoes and onions. Farmer H sometimes does these on the grill, with mixed results. Sometimes they stick to the foil. Or don't cook completely. Anyhoo... I put them in the oven for two hours on Sunday afternoon, so they'd only need warming while Farmer H was grilling. 

Those potatoes and onions were layered in a 9-inch glass casserole dish, with butter and ground black pepper in between. They smelled quite delicious while cooking. I warmed them in the oven during Farmer H's Sunday grill time. Then he fixed his plate (yellow plastic school-lunch tray), and took HALF! 

I had counted on eating those potatoes and onions for two meals! It was like Lou Grant showing up at Mary Richards's dinner party, taking 3 of the 6 servings of Veal Prince Orloff! (YouTube, 2:54) 

If you want the whole episode, it's 23:47.

Anyhoo... Farmer H is quite inconsiderate when it comes to portion size. Thinking he should get whatever he wants, and not thinking about anybody else getting a fair share.


River said...

Technically, you did get two meals out of those potatoes and onions, Farmer H's and yours. Forget about the next day's meals...

Hillbilly Mom said...

Heh, heh! Make that three, then. Because I didn't have any the first night, and we both had them the second.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

I find it easier to cook two meals at once than trying to cook a small portion. If I am clever enough I can sometimes make HeWho think I cooked the same meal two days in a row! He is so gullible!

Hillbilly Mom said...

They are so easy to fool!